Run Away With Me

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"Run away with me." Those four words stay stuck in my head even today when I think about you. When I think about us. I remember telling you I loved you for the first time when you said those four words to me. And the best part, I did. I ran away with you to a place only we knew. I remember everything we did together. The time we got into a fight verbally and I started crying, so we got high and drank Peace Tea. The time you had a party without telling me. The time you cried because you thought I'd left you. How you promised to love me till the day you died. And how the day you did I couldn't have felt lonelier. I remember all these things because without you, I never would've done them. Without running away with you. I would've never realized how in love I was with you. And now I live life waiting to hear you say those four meaning full words to me once more. Run away with me.

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