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“Tell the boys I love them!” Niall called out to me as one of the guards shoved a black bag over his head. From out in the hall, a third guard appeared, carrying a large backpack. I smiled, now sure that everything would be fine.

“It will be okay!” I called after Niall as he was led out of the room “I promise!”

I waited for the guards to distance themselves from my room before sprinting across the cell and jumping into the arms of the third guard

“I missed you so much Sebastien” I cried, my words muffled by Sebastien’s thick turtleneck

“I’m so glad you’re okay!” He enthused, pushing me away from him so that he could check me out. Seeing the gash on my forehead, he frowned “That looks bad” He said sternly

“I’ll live” I replied, anxious to get out of this stone imprisonment “What happened to 7 o’clock?” 

“I’m sorry! That Tomlinson creep called us earlier than he was supposed to! I didn’t have any way to warn you that they were coming!”

 “I thought I was a goner” I admitted, trying to ignore the memories of the past 24 hours “Did you bring the stuff?” I gestured to his pack.

Sebastien smiled and lowered his black bag to the floor, unzipping its widest pouch to show me a bounty of water and medical supplies “Don’t spend it all in one place”

I shouldered the heavy bag “I won’t” I promised, pulling him in for a hug “Thank you”

“Wait for me to ring the alarm before you go after him okay?” He warned, exiting the cell to close the metal door behind him and forget to lock it.

 “Okay” I whispered, remembering one important thing “Hey Sab!” I called as Sebastien shut the door. He opened it a crack to poke his head back inside the room “Say Hi to dad for me” I said, shooting my brother a sick grin.


This is it I thought to myself as the guards pulled me further and further down the hall I’m going to die. I’ll never see my mum again. I’ll never see Greg or the boys again! 

I heard a door unlock somewhere to my left and was shoved into a room with bright artificial lights and seated in a stray metal chair. My ankles were tied to the legs of my chair, the wire around my wrists was removed, and my hands were laid on top of a large aluminum table.

“I am going to give you to the count of three to tell me everything you know” Hissed a man who had been waiting inside of the room “Because If I have to ask you twice, I am not going to be so nice about it” The man turned around. He was holding a wooden mallet in his palms, and staring at my left hand “One...”

“I don’t know anything!” I screamed “I swear to you! I don’t even know why you took me! No one has told me anything! Please! I know nothing!”

“See...” the man pondered playfully, sending me a sick smile. Half of his teeth were missing and the ones that were still intact were rotting away. His nose was extremely crooked, almost as if it had been broken several times in his life. He had a scar under his right eye, and his hair was thinning. He looked like someone who would play a villain in a movie. His appearance frightened me. “I think you’re lying. I think you know exactly why you are here, and because you think I like playing games, you get a present”

Without hesitation, the bastard swung his mallet into the air, landing it directly on top of my left hand. The pain was excruciating. White hot and endless. I screamed louder than I had ever screamed in my entire life. Tears flooded from my eyes. I convulsed in my chair, crying as I glanced at the hammer’s damage. My hand was purple, all five of my fingers twitching. I couldn’t move anything past my wrist. He had broken my hand! My guitar playing, music making hand!

I began to weep uncontrollably. I cried because in a few seconds, I wouldn’t just have a broken hand. I’d be dead. I cried for my mum, who would never see me again and have to hear from Simon that her little boy had died. I cried for the boys who would have to re-write all of our songs, and learn to get on with their lives without me. I wasn’t ready to go. I had people who needed me! Fans who adored me!

“Now” The man snarled, cocking a hand gun “Either you tell me what you know... or I pull the trigger”


An alarm sounded from outside of the room. I lowered my head in defeat, ready to take my last breath. But the man didn’t shoot. Instead, he abandoned the gun onto the table and dashed out into the hallway, swearing at guards running by in a panic.

I blinked away my tears, grateful for the distraction even if it postponed my life for even a few more minutes.

“Niall!” I heard my name shouted from the hall, and looked up to see Sage running to my rescue

“What are you doing here?” I yelled, overjoyed to see Sage standing before me. She untied the wires wrapped around my ankles “How did you escape?”

"I’ll explain everything later!” She huffed, grabbing the handgun off of the table “But now we need to run”

“Why” I asked, cradling my injured hand in my functional right palm “What are you doing?”

Sage gave me a grin “I’m getting us out of here”

Hellooo Everybody!!!

Wow! Sly has over 1,500 reads and its all thanks to you! I can't believe how incredible this journey has been so far, and what is even more amazing is that it is just getting started! I can't wait to share with you everything I have prepared for this story! You are all going to love it!

Here are the requirements for my next update!

7 more votes on this story - I want to reach 75

2 more comments - I want to reach 30 comments!

I want to reach 1500 reads! *COMPLETE

Once I receive all three, I will update Sly! 

Thanks guys! Don't forget to follow me on twitter - @bubblyboo100

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