The Perfect Life

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I entered the shop with a smile, bells hanging from the top of the metal door dancing as I stepped inside. I located a rack of candy near the back of the store as well as the shy smile of a young girl sifting through rows of magazines. I smiled back at her as I began to walk through the shop. As I approached the candy, my stomach growled in frustration. Realizing the boys might want some of my stash, I lowered my hand to my pocket in search of my phone.

Suddenly the sound of shattering glass filled the small store. Three masked men with rifles entered. Two of them began to storm through the shop in my direction. Oh No I thought ...They’re here for me. I dove into the nearest aisle and sprinted for the front of the store, but one of the masked men beat me to door, yanking me into his grasp. 

“Help!” I screamed as the man covered half of my face with his palm as the second man approached me

“Niall!” My eyes flashed to my right. The girl from earlier was stretching her hands out to me, trying to free herself from the grasp of the third man

 “Shut her up!” I heard the man in front of me bark as he flung his fist into my stomach. I doubled over as a sharp pain exploded over the back of my head. The floor rushed up to meet me as I collapsed.

Everything went dark.

8 Hours Earlier


 “Merci Montreal!” Liam shouted into his mic above the roar of the shrieking audience. The boys and I were center stage, waving goodbye to the 15,000 fans gathered beneath us to watch us perform one of our many Take Me Home performances. 15,000! I still couldn’t get over it. Here I was, on top of the world, my face plastered across literally every teenage magazine in the world, standing next to the four most incredible people you would ever want to know. My friends, my bandmates... my brothers. The thought of those first few weeks after Bootcamp came flooding back into my memory. I began to shake, and forced my head into the hand not wrapped around Liam’s back so that I could regain my composure.

A flood of “awws” and painful shrieks erupted from the crowd and I figured I had been thrown onto the big screen. I sniffled, quickly blinking away my tears. This was a happy moment. There was no need to cry. I shoved a brave smile onto my face and thrust both hands into the air, waving drastically at the fans who were now applauding me with their clapping hands and camera flashes. The boys leaned away from me, grinning like the idiots I had grown to love. Liam stepped into me, thrusting his empty hand through my sweaty curls, messing up my hair. I laughed and ducked away from him, waving at the crowd one last time as the boys and I exited the stage, whooping and hollering.

 “Incredible!” Niall jumped, scissor kicking his way into the air “Where’s my phone! I have got to tweet about this!” 

“Way to bang into me Louis!” Zayn snarled “Its called Rock Me, not hurt me!”

 “Oh calm down Zayn! I’m sure you’ll laugh about it tomorrow when your startled face is all over twitter!” Louis retorted, rushing up behind me as I smiled. He flung his hands onto my shoulders and pressed them intensely “You okay there Harry?”

 “I’m fine” I mumbled “I just don’t know what I would do without you guys is all”

 “Aww... You’re so sweet” Louis pouted playfully, gently slapping my cheek before spinning around and chasing Zayn down an adjacent hall

Shaking my head amused, I grabbed the front of my shirt with my fingers and lightly shook it free of the sweat sticking to my back and chest. A young woman in dark jeans and a headpiece jogged up to my side as I parted my hair with my hands “The car is outside Mr. Styles” She stated flatly, gesturing for me to hand her my ear piece.

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