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Genevieve cried out as another contraction ripped through her body.

"It's going to be fine honey." Cas assured her." Sam come hold her hand."

Sam went to where Cas was standing handing him a towel. Sam gave Genevieve's hand a reassuring squeeze.

"Okay I need you to push." Cas requested.

Genevieve nodded doing as Cas said. Sam whipped the sweat off her forehead as she squeezed his hand.

"Okay one more and we'll have a baby." Cas smiled.

There was a small cry as Genevieve pushed the baby into the world.

"Hey Caela." Cas coed.

Cas looked down at the small baby with overflowing love. Walking over to Genevieve he handed her the baby.

"Your so beautiful baby." Genevieve said a tear falling down her cheek."Caela Castella Gabrielsen."

"Can I hold her." Sam asked softly as Caela reached out clenching and unclenching her small fist.

"Of course Sam." Genevieve answered.

"You have clean baby duty Sam. I got Genevieve." Cas noted.

" I can do that." Sam laughed.

Cas helped Genevieve up, carrying her to the bathroom to run her a quick shower.

"I love you." Cas whispered kissing her forehead.

"I love you too Castiel."

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