Call for arms

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Genevieve stirred awake feeling sick. She flew to the bathroom throwing the contents of her stomach into the toilet. Genevieve shut the lid flushing.

"Uh." She groaned leaning her head against the cold tub.

Genevieve picked herself up of the floor and brushed her teeth.

"Chocolate sounds delicious." Genevieve mumbled to herself.

Walking into the kitchen she found a plate of chocolate chip pancakes with a smiley face of whip cream, bacon, and eggs. Next to it was a Hershey's chocolate pie.

"Gabriel your amazing." Genevieve whispered smiling.

Genevieve made short work of the food. She was unusually hungry today and yesterday for that matter. Sighing Genevieve turned her angel radio on.

"Hello." Her voice bellowed throughout all the angels heads but metatrons and gadreel's.

"Who is this?" They asked.

"My name is Genevieve. I was created by God. The reason you have not heard of me before is because I was in hiding. Some of your archangel brothers wanted to use my peers for their own purpose. I have come out of hiding to lead you."

"Lead us against what?" They questioned.

"Against Metatron." Genevieve told them." He cast you out of heaven. Metatron is capturing and killing his brothers. He's killing you guys. I want to lead you to defeat Metatron. We were once great and we can be again. "

One after the other voices rose up with cries of war against Metatron.

Genevieve smiled sitting down.

"Genevieve." Castiel called from over the angel radio.

Closing her eyes Genevieve focused on Castiel.

"How do you do that?" He asked.

"It was a talent given to me by God. I've got others too." Genevieve smiled turning to face Castiel.

"Another question. Where did the rose petals come from and the lynx?"

Genevieve hadn't even realized that her baby lynx had come and wrapped its body around her ankle.

"Gabriel." She explained picking up the lynx." Yesterday was our anniversary. We may not have been soulmates but I still loved Gabriel."

"I'm very sorry." Castiel whispered walking closer to her.

"It's fine Castiel." Genevieve said.

Castiel cupped her face; rubbing his thumb against her cheek. Castiel pressed his lips against Genevieve's softly. Castiel laughed softly against her lips as baby lynx started rubbing is head on Castiel's chest. He pulled away petting the baby.

"What's her name?" Castiel asked looking up at Genevieve.

"Lilly." She answered petting her.

"You feeling okay? You look a little pale." Cas observed.

"Queasy. I threw up this morning." She told him.

"That's peculiar. You shouldn't get sick." Castiel said." Have you ever gotten sick before?"

Genevieve shook her head. Reaching across the table Genevieve grabbed her pie and started eating it. She held the fork out for Castiel to take a bite.

"What other symptoms have you had?" Castiel asked eating the pie.

"I've been craving chocolate. I've been really sleepy too. Um I think that's all."

"Hmm. I'll call Dean and Sam to see what they think." Castiel said pulling out his phone.

Castiel frowned looking at his phone. Genevieve tapped his phone with her finger.

"Reception." She smiled.

Cas smiled as Dean answered the phone.

"Hey Cas. Where'd you go? You disappeared. I thought you couldn't leave the bunker." Dean asked.

"I'm with Genevieve." Castiel answered. "Which is why I called you. She's been sick, craving chocolate, and sleepy. Do you know what that could be?"

"Let me turn you over to Sam." Dean said.

"Hey Cas. What's up?"

Cas relayed the information to Sam.

"Could she be pregnant?" Sam asked.

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