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"You can't die Dean. The mark won't let you. The last time a human had the mark of Cain he turned into a demon."

Crowley's voice echoed in his head.

"Now wake up. See what I see." Crowely urged.

Dean's eyes slowly opened to reveal black ones.

Weeks later

"Cas please stop pacing your seriously freaking me out." Sam said.

"She's been gone for weeks. I can't find her, sense her, and she's not on angel radio. I'm pulling up nothing Sam. Not even a feather." Castiel yelled.

"Her and Gabriel hid for hundreds of years." Sam reasoned.

Castiel sighed running a hand down his face." Your right. There's nothing I can do until she decides she wants to be found."

That's when Castiel felt something pull at him. He couldn't explain it. It felt like a string pulling at his grace; beckoning him to follow it. Castiel disappeared as Sam got up to get a beer and check on Dean who had been gone in the kitchen a while.

I'm sorry this is so short I just wanted to give you something

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