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Next morning Harry made a quick stop at the motel's Lost & Found because he needed some clothes, he couldn't walk around on his boxers. Half an hour later he walked out of the motel wearing pink sweatpants, YALE-college hoodie and sandals, which made him reconsider about his decision to get dressed— for a moment, going naked seemed much more appealing.

He was well aware of people staring at him and he knew that he should avoid attention but he didn't have that much of a choice. He had called to Payne from the motel and they had agreed to meet in their office. Harry walked there, trying to decide where to even begin to explain last night's events to Payne and Malik.

It was clear that they would throw thousands of questions to Harry and he didn't really want to waste time on repeating things- there was much more important things to do, like getting their families safe, find Marina Chapman and get Grimshaw busted and in prison. After everything, Grimshaw was still Harry's main priority, he really wanted the guy to get caught. And no one, not even an assassin, could stop him.

Around 1pm. Harry finally arrived and as he expected, got immediately thousands of questions from Malik and Payne.

"Guys", Harry said, holding his hands up, "you need to shut up and let me speak."

Payne crossed his arms. "Shoot."

"I was sleeping, I woke up and saw him lingering above me. I rolled out of the bed, he killed my bed and then it was just one big mess until I got really lucky and managed to get out", Harry explained shortly. The lads were quiet for a moment until Malik clapped his hands.

"Well, damn, Harry! You've got some serious talent!" Malik patted Harry's shoulder. "A professional killer attacked you and you managed to ran away."

Harry half grinned but Payne glared at Malik angrily.

"This is fucking serious shit, life and death situation and all you concentrate is that?"

"Well...", Malik shrugged and gave Harry a once over, "I'm also fairly worried about his new taste in clothes but who am I to judge."

"Zayn you fucking-"

"Relax, Liam", Harry sighed before the two could start arguing. "Look, I know this is bad but right now we have to keep our heads in the game. First things first, did you get our families out of the town?"

Payne nodded.

"They are all gone."

"Also", said Malik, "it took a lot of work to convince Gemma to take herself and your family away. She wanted to stay here and help."

"Of course she did", Harry muttered. "Thank you for making her to leave."

"Any time", Payne nodded.

"So...", Malik sat on the desk, crossing his arms. "Now what?"

That was exactly what Harry had been thinking about and again, he had an idea which the other two men wouldn't like. Harry knew them well enough to know what they would like to do next. Police, hiding, giving up... But that's not Harry's thing. Giving up is not an option to him.

"We still need to catch Grimshaw", Harry said hesitantly.

"Are you fucking kidding me?" Payne asked in disbelief. "Forget that goddamn Grimshaw already, we have bigger problems!"

"London's problems go ahead of our problems!" Harry shot back angrily. "Stop being so selfish. If we don't stop that asshole, who does? He has murdered people just to keep his own ass safe!"

"Red Machete murdered those people, not Grimshaw! And neither one of them is our problem! Not anymore- in fact, they never were! You just don't know when to stop!"

Harry shook his head in disbelief.

"How can you be so fucking narrow-minded? Grimshaw hired an assassin to kill those journalists- He's the main reason why Red Machete even is in London!" Payne opened his mouth to answer but Harry cut him off. "And what about everyone else, huh? What about Marina Chapman? We are the only ones that can help her! If we drop everything now, she'll be all alone and God knows how long she can hide herself! If we can find her and help her, we can all take Grimshaw down together!"

"It's all about Grimshaw to you", said Payne, sounding disappointed. "What about Zayn? Me?"

Harry sighed, rubbing his face.

"Look... I can't do this alone. I need you. Both of you and I know you want to catch Grimshaw just as much as I do. We're so close, so fucking close. If we get Grimshaw, then polices can make Grimshaw snitch on Troy. With them both down, the polices should be able to get Red Machete's identity and catch him. If we catch the man who we've been after for months, that all is possible and it's all because of us. Imagine what that would do to Century Creed!"

A long silence filled up the room. Harry kept his eyes fixed on his friends but he couldn't read their facial expressions. He bit his lip nervously, waiting for them to say something.

Finally Zayn sighed and said, "We have already come this far."

Payne turned to look at Malik in a split of a second.

"You're not giving in, are you?"

"You said it yourself", replied Malik. "Harry will continue whether we help him or not so either we try our best to make this work or we let him do it all alone."

Payne pressed his lips together, shaking his head.

"Damn it..."

"So...", Harry looked at them hopefully, "you're in? We're going to continue this?"

Malik and Payne changed quick looks and nodded simultaneously.

"Yeah", they said. "We're going to continue this."

Before Harry could thank them or even get excited, Liam held up his hand.

"But", he said, "on one condition."

Harry sighed.

"Let me guess... I have to tell the police about last night?"

"Exactly", said Payne. "This time it could actually work if your apartment is damaged."

"Great point", agreed Malik. "You can show the damage to the police and this time they have to do something."

Harry nodded approvingly. "It's worth a try."

His answer seemingly pleased Malik and Payne because they were immediately collecting their stuff and heading towards the door.

"Wait, right now?" Harry asked, raising his eyebrows.

"Yes", said Payne. "Why waste time? Sooner we get this out of the way the better."

"And we can concentrate on what to do next", Malik added, shrugging. "Y'know, might be easier to concentrate when you know that polices have your back and you don't have to sleep one eye open."

They had great points with which Harry couldn't argue so he simply just followed them out. They walked to Malik's car and got in, Harry sitting on the backseat.

When Malik started the car, Harry leaned forward and said, "We do have to make one little stop before going to the police station."

"Why?" asked Payne, frowning slightly.

"I need to change my clothes."

Malik snorted. "Right you are, dude."

"We'll stop at my place", Payne decided, "since it's the only one on the way."

Harry nodded and leaned back, slumping down on his seat.

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