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It took one year, but slowly and surely the screaming wasn't how Harry Styles survived his days. Even though losing one of his best mates hurt like hell, his life was unusually normal. More normal than in years. Except now there was one Zayn Malik shaped hole in his life and in his heart.

Payne took it more hard. He got really depressed and was drinking a lot. Not that Harry wasn't but Payne took it on a whole new level. Eventually everything started being easier to Liam too but very slowly and Zayn was still a very sensitive subject.

Niall Horan coped with it the best. He was the reason that Harry and Payne weren't went completely crazy. Although Horan was still a bit angry with Harry, the Irishman had been there for them and never once had Harry thought that maybe Niall was just as broken and needed help too. Not once. And Horan never said anything. He was able to handle Zayn's death without Harry or Payne. He was clearly the strongest one.


"What?" Harry asked, not taking his eyes off the TV. He was at work, looking at the News channel. He hadn't heard Liam coming in.

"We have to talk", Payne said.

"About what?"

"About our next number."

Harry sighed and sat down on the couch.

"Please don't say it won't be ready on time."

Liam smiled sadly.

"It won't if we don't write something."

"What's there to write?" Harry groaned, frustrated. "Red Machete disappeared, Grimshaw is God knows where and Z--"

"I got it!" Liam yelled but quickly continued more calmly. "I got it, Harry. It's not like it was used to."

"Sorry for snapping", Harry sighed. "It's just so frustrating. How come they can't find Grimshaw? I can't do anything. My life is boring, it has stopped." Harry rubbed his face tiredly. "I haven't heard anything from Red Machete."

"What? You expect him to call you?" Liam said sarcastically.

Harry was tempted to answer that yes, yes in fact he did because he had already done it once right after Zayn's funeral, but Harry kept his mouth shut. He hadn't told anyone about that phone call and wasn't going to start sharing that piece of information now.

"Anyway", Harry said, changing the subject. "We need to have a meeting, Niall included, and try to figure out something. This cannot be the end of Century Creed."

Payne looked at Harry. "It won't."

Harry nodded.

"Let's call it a day and we'll meet here tomorrow morning."

"I'll inform Niall", Payne promised.

"I'll... I'll just go now. Back to home." Harry started walking. "See you tomorrow, Liam."


Harry didn't go home.

In fact, not even in that direction.

He went to the graveyard. The path to Malik's grave was far too familiar to Harry. The whole place seemed far more familiar to Harry than what he should be comfortable with. Right in front of Malik's tombstone Harry kneeled down and stared at Malik's name in silence. His family had been there recently, judging by the flowers lying in front of the stone.

"Hi, Zayn", Harry said quietly. "I'm back. Again." Silence. "I felt the need to update you. About my promise." Silence. "I will revenge your death. I will get Grimshaw. I promised that and I intend to keep that promise. But now is not the time. I have to be patience." Harry stood up. "Someone once told me that timing is everything. I'm starting to believe that now."

Harry touched the tombstone and closed his eyes. "I miss you, buddy." And then he walked away. He didn't make it far before he started feeling like someone was staring at him. He had enough history to know that it should not be ignored.

He stopped in place and looked around but couldn't see anyone. He narrowed his eyes but continued walking, got in his car and drove away.

The bugging feeling wouldn't go away, not even when Harry was back at home, which, to be honest, took rather long since Harry wanted to make sure no one was following him. Some part of him thought that he had finally lost his mind and became paranoid but some other parts sent him warning signals, saying danger, danger!

He needed a beer.

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