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The camera kept rolling while Plague's men beat Harry up. His face was swollen, he had a cut lip and black eye and he was covered in blood. Also he was pretty sure his ribs had a nice bruises from all the hits he received on them. He felt sore and horrible, but he fought through it, not giving the Grimshaw the pleasure of begging them to stop.

Then Grimshaw stood in front of the camera, saying, "Hello, Tomlinson. If you want to see Styles alive I suggest you come and get him."

Then he turned the camera off and took it in his hands. He passed it to one of Plague's men.

"Send it to Tomlinson's number we used when he was working for us and let's hope he sees it", Grimshaw said.

Harry hissed through his teeth. He was hurting so much, his left eye almost swollen shut. He liked his lip and cringed when it hurt. He could taste blood in his mouth and he was hurting literally everywhere. Was it all really necessary? Did they have to beat him to get Red Machete's attention. On the other hand Harry wasn't surprised; they liked to use violence. They were savages.

"Jackson!" Grimshaw yelled and waited that Plague stepped inside and raised an eyebrow.


"Keep an eye out for Styles, I need to go out for a bit", Grimshaw said. "Don't let him die. Not yet, at least."

"Sure", Plague said and crossed his arms.

Grimshaw left and Harry would have furrowed his eyebrows at him if it didn't hurt so much. Plague stepped closer to Harry and took a hold of his chin, turning Harry's head back and forth.

"Jesus, you look like shit."

"No shit", Harry spat, turning his head so that Plague wasn't holding his chin anymore. "Don't touch me."

Plague laughed. "Tough guy."

"Screw you."

"If I were you I would go easy with the attitude."

Harry would've answered but his head was spinning. He didn't know when was the last time he drank something but now he felt like he could pass out at any time. He's eyes started to slump and he hang his head down.

Plague frowned and snapped his fingers and looked at his men. "Go get him some water."

One of the men went and soon came back with a bottle of water. Plague held it to Harry's lips and helped him to drink. Harry coughed and felt immediately better after drinking.

Plague placed the water bottle down and glared at Harry. "You know, even though Grimshaw wants Red Machete, I, however, am going to enjoy killing you. You are the reason why I have to run from the police."

"You have no idea how much I enjoyed when you got busted", Harry said, glaring back at Plague. "You're a piece of shit."

"Wow, I'm so offended."

Harry clenched his fists, hoping he would be able to hit Plague. His life would be complete then. He almost hoped Red Machete would come and kill Plague but then again Harry wanted to see justice happen and Grimshaw and Plague in the jail for the rest of their lives.

"Just so you know", Plague said, leaning closer to Harry, staring him dead in the eye. "You're not going to make it out of here alive."

Harry stared at him back. "If Red Machete comes, neither will you."

Plague didn't reply and Harry just hoped he was right. His life was in the hand of an assassin and he had no choice but to trust Red Machete would out smart Grimshaw and Plague. He had to believe it, for the sake of his own sanity.

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