Ice Cream (Uhura)

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"I missed you." You smile, head resting in your hands.

"Space is fun," Uhura bites the top of her thumb before placing her hands in her lap, "But I've missed you immensely." She smiles, looking out the window.

The two of you are chatting in a small Coffee Shop off of Havana and Buckley. It's Uhura's favorite place. She only is on Earth for a few weeks and you want to make things special for her. You even went out of your way to put your hair in the style she likes the most.

"So, tell me," You wrap your leg around hers under the table, "What happened up there?"

Her elegant fingers curl around your hand as she talks about various missions she's been apart of. Her mouth moves in a way that it momentarily hypnotizes you. "And that's when I broke my finger." She recalls, holding up the previously broken finger.

"Aw, I'm glad your okay." You lean down and kiss her finger. She gives a small chuckle and lets go of your hands.

Your ears suddenly perk up at the strangest sound. It sounds so familiar. "What is that?" You ask curiously looking out the window.

"Oh, that? An Ice cream truck I think. Why?"

You purr deeply yet quietly, "Thought so."

You're a full bred Caitian,  so that's normal for you.

"You want some don't you?" She asks, smirking at your eyes lighting up at the sound of ice cream.

"Not really." You strum your fingers repeatedly on the table, looking out the window at the now parked ice cream deliciousness truck.

"Of all the languages I know, your speaking fluent BS right now." Uhura laughs at her own joke before standing up, "Wait here okay?" She says, leaving the cafe before you have time to protest.

You watch your, beautiful, girlfriend walk across the street and to the ice cream truck. One of her hands is resting on her hip as she orders a mystery desert. She gives a smile up at the ice cream man, and heads back toward the cafe. As she walks back she licks the side of her middle finger, ridding it of the accidental whipped cream spillage.

The door chimes as she walks in and puts the desert in the middle of the table. She sits back down, and looks at you, a twinkle of something you can't exactly place in her eyes. "Voila."

In the middle of the table sits your favorite ice cream sundae. "You didn't have to." You only slightly protest, unconsciously picking one of the spoons.

"I was in the mood for some ice cream as well." She lies. Uhura hates ice cream, mostly because she has sensitive teeth. In all honestly, she likes to spoil you. And you like to do the same for her, but you wanted to make it a all about Nyota day.

As soon as you take the first bite, you are immediately immersed into the ice cream.

"I love you." Uhura comments, as she watches you indulge in ice cream. Her own spoon was discarded on the floor with disinterest.

"Mhm.." You reply, a spoon full of ice cream in your mouth.

Constructive Criticism is welcome! Please rate and comment. Comment any ideas/scenarios you'd like to see happen!

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