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Aurora's POV
"Aurora, you will be attending Hogworts school this year" my father Tom Riddle told me.
"As you wish, father" I said calmly. Ever since he returned he'd been weak, he is slowly gaining strength but it will take a long time for him to fully heal.
"My dear, you are my only child, you must be protected. Any one of my loyal followers shall have to guard you, secretly. Snape will be a main participant. Also that Draco boy, he will be in your year, he can guide you" my father said in his slow dragged out voice. I can't wait till he is well again.
My mother, Anastasia catered to his every need, although he didn't value her or anyone for that matter, the way he did me.
"And what of Potter. What if he causes trouble" I asked.
"You mustn't kill the boy, he is mine. Though a few painful spells may retract his issue" my father said giving me a slight smirk.
I wasn't ready to go to Hogwarts, I'd been learning from my father and other dark wizards until now.
"Malfoy" my father hissed loudly. Lucius and Draco walked in, they were always so nervous around my father.
"Draco you will escort Aurora to Hogworts and you I hope you will protect her from harm if she ever may be in its way" He said. Lucius looked at his son intensely.
I looked at Draco, his worried eyes met my own, I'd never really spoken to Draco, only seen him attend meetings and follow his father around, but he was an alright guy.

My things were packed in trunks, my entire wardrobe had been packed into a sum total of 6 trunks. I looked at my father and mother, waving and nodding to my departure. Draco and I transported to the train station along with our belongings.
"So, how do you think people will react to your arrival?" Draco asked looking at me.
"To put it simply I don't think many will be please" I said. I know that all Gryffindors will automatically despise me, but that doesn't bother me, as long as I strike fear into them I will always have power over them.
"Will you have to go through all the first year initiations with the sorting hat and all" Draco chuckled.
"The what?" I asked with a cocked brow.
"Don't worry, it decides what house you will be apart of" he said.
"Surely I'll automatically be put into Slytherin?" I asked. "I am Voldermorts heir."
The train pulled up and Draco and I boarded the train. We were led to our own compartment at the front. I'm guessing word has been given about my arrival. Black robes were hanging on hooks as we walked in. I hauled it over my clothes I was already wearing and sat down in a seat. Draco sat opposite and smiled.
"It's a long journey" he said.
I rolled my eyes and kicked off my heels. I fell asleep for the most part of the travels.

"Hey, we're here" I heard Draco say holding a hand out to help me steady myself. I quickly put my shoes back on and we got off the train.
I could see lots along floating candles and people in the same robes rushing around.
"Follow me" he giggled and he led me down an alley way that led to a huge castle. It was intriguing, it was lit up through stained and normal glass windows.
We walked through huge wooden doors with steel detailing, it led down a main corridor to the dining hall. Students were sat on colour coordinated tables and everyone was already seated by the time me and Draco walked in. Everyone turned to stare at us, I didn't assume anyone knew my name or maybe it was because I was new.
"Dumbledore will tell you what to do then come sit with me over here" Draco said before walking off to the end table and sitting down joking around with his friends.
"Ah, miss Riddle, nice of you to join us this year at Hogwarts" the headmaster smiled.
"Pleasure" I said.
"Please be seated and do not be alarmed, we must assort you into your house" he said softly.
I sat on a wooden chair in front of all the students. The golden doors at the back of the hall opened and infilled with first years along with Miss McGonagle.
"Ah, Aurora Riddle, you're already here!" She said, she walked up to me and placed a large hat on my head, it began talking in an uneasy voice that startled me.
"Aurora Riddle, Slytherin  seems the obvious option but I wonder if you'd thrive more in Gryffindor" he hat said. "Although, you're a descendant of Salazar Slytherin and you're abilities are far too strong to put you in anything other than SLYTHERIN"
The hat shouted and the Slytherin table roared with glee. The other tables looked at me uneasy.
I got up and found a place next to Draco. I looked across at Snape who nodded at me and I back, he was a loyal follower of fathers of whom he trust maybe too much.
The sorting hat went through all first years and after we dined in luxury.
"So, Aurora right?" A boy asked.
"Yeah." I said bluntly.
"Blaze" he said holding a hand out over the table. I shook it and began to eat small portions.
"So Draco, what happened to you on the train you didn't sit with us this year?" I girl asked whom may I add has quite a displeasing face to my eye.
"I rode with Aurora, Pansy" he said. Stupid face, stupid name. She shot me a glare.
"So Aurora, Why have I never seen you before?" She asked in a bitchy tone.
"I was helping my father heal from his return, maybe you've heard of him." I said. Draco sniggered. She looked slightly shocked and shut up after that.

After dinner all Slytherins had to go to their common room and unpack and arrange their belongings. I walked up into the public dorm and looked around for my trunks.
"Aurora dear, follow me" a teacher said leading me back into the common room and up another set of stairs.
This led to a large private room, with a large king sized bed with fancy bedding.
"Through that door is a bathroom and through the other door will lead to the boys dorms, I suggest you keep that door locked for the most time" she said before turning to leave.
"Wait why am I in here?" I asked confused.
"Your parents demanded you have your own space" she said and left in a hurry.
I looked around my new room, it was pretty, it will do.

My first day of Hogwarts was a breeze and drama free. I hope it doesn't stay that way I smirked to myself, I want to cause a bit of havoc, with students or teachers. What can they do? I'm the daughter of the dark lord.

Please give me feedback on this and let me know if you would like it to be continued??? I wrote a story a while back very similar but never continued it and ended up deleting it (it was pretty terrible too) so let me know how you feel about this one ahah thanks

Also any spelling mistakes I apologise for

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