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Aurora's POV
I began getting ready for the night out, all the while I thought about my fathers letter and how long it would be before chaos would occur, I knew my father was planning something huge this time, but that's all I knew.
I heard knocks on the door before it opened, in bounded Draco suit and all, he looked pretty good. He stood in awe as I approached him, both of us grinned as we left the room arm in arm. The whole common room stared at us as we made our way to Blaise and the rest of them. I noticed the fury plastered on Pansy's face and chuckled to myself, I'm the new queen bee now.
"Aurora you look amazing" one of Pansy's friends said, Pansy shot her a look before looking at me again.
"Yeah you look stunning, I feel so underdressed" another said joining in, I found it amusing that her 'loyal' band of followers were trying to impress me.
"Shall we leave?" Draco said to us all, in a unison nod we all left the common room and walked down the hall, my heels tapped against the stone floor which echoed onward, Draco kept glancing at me with a smirk while Pansy walked watching Draco and I intensely.The moon was bright tonight, the air was luke warm and I was in the mood for a good time.

Draco's POV
Tonight was going to be a belter, no one is going home sober!
Although I was extremely excited for the night out I couldn't help but be so utterly attracted to Aurora right now, she is the perfect definition of what I look for in a girl, but she is the dark lords daughter.

By this point we had just reached Hogsmeade, we were entering a local pub for pre drinks before the real party started. I ran straight to the bar to order a round of shots, I looked back at Aurora who had gained all the male attention, she was like a siren. I noticed Blaise scooting closer to her with that look in his eye, he was going to try graft her tonight. The thought annoyed me slightly. I carried the tray of shots over to our table and immediately Aurora picked one up and took it like it was nothing, that was my cue to follow, everyone else then joined us.
After a couple more rounds of shots and pints we decided we would head to this party. The location seemed dodgy but that didn't stop us.
The road was dark and eerie, for a death eater it shouldn't be bad, however I never joined by choice- my father is a death eater and the requirement was passed on to me. You can't say no to the Dark Lord.

The sound of music echoed down the street and I saw fireworks explode in the air, I noticed other Slytherin's vomiting into a bush, they're making the house look embarrassing. I rolled my eyes and continued toward the dazzling lights, Aurora strode past, her hips swaying with every step; she took the lead, looking back and smirking. Pansy scowled at her, her negative attempts to affect Aurora were pointless, she was never going to rattle the Dark Lord's little girl.
As we entered through the door crowds of people parted to let us through. The floor vibrated from the booming music and everyone was dancing against strobe lighting, Aurora soon got lost in the crowds and I started to panic, I didn't want anything to happen to her, turning corners of the house in search, then I saw her, dancing alone, people watched filled with envy and lust, her eyes locked with mine and a cheeky smile appeared on her lips, I walked towards her and she left in a dash, I followed in pursuit. She kept looking back at me as I followed her like a deranged stalker, she had a strange hold over me, I'd never chased a girl down like this before.
We ended up in the back garden, it was quite nice, almost like a maze with all these shaped bushes and magnificent sculptures. I noticed a blonde haired girl sat on a concrete bench before a pond. I knew those golden locks anywhere. I walked over and stood behind her.
"Funny that you followed me huh?" Her gentle voice spoke. "Pansy will be ever so mad."
"You think I care about other people's feelings?" I snorted.
"Don't you care about mine?" She asked, never looking at me.
"It's different, you're different." I said.
"Or is it because you're terrified of my father." She asked, her voice stayed the same throughout.
"It's true, your father is a terrifying man, but you are-" I was interrupted.
"Aw is Draco Malfoy getting sentimental?" She giggled. "Come on, sit."
I perched on the bench and stared at the light glistening on the water. Aurora's smile was contagious, I looked to see that little grin and smiled along with it. Those crystal eyes flicked over to mine before returning to the night sky. I scooted a little closer to her and she noticed but didn't say anything, everything between us began getting closer, almost touching.
"Hey guys, Auras are here to shut it down, we better leave quick, especially you Aurora" Blaise said hastily. He helped her up and pulled her away, I followed closely. What a way to ruin the moment.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 19, 2017 ⏰

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