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I woke to heavy banging on the door, from the boys side. The sunlight seeped in through the window blinding me at first. I grunted and sat up.
"Aurora, it's Draco. Time for breakfast" he shouted through the door. I sat there for a few moments before standing up and stretching.
"You know I'm not leaving till you open the door"
I trudged over to the door and unlocked it, in bounded Draco holding a tray with large quantities of food.
"You bought me breakfast?" I asked.
"Yeah I assumed you'd prefer it than sitting with Pansy and them" he smiled walking in and setting the tray down on a table.
"Good thinking" I chuckled. "But down to business, how about we have a little fun today?"
"What kind of fun?" He smirked.
"Don't get any ideas, Draco. I meant messing with people" I said biting into a croissant.
"Of course, I knew that" he smirked.
I finished my breakfast and freshened myself up.

Me and Draco left the common room together, swiftly followed by Pansy.
"Draco, are you sitting with me in dark arts today, we can bully the people in front again" she said a little too eager.
"No I'm staying with Aurora all day thanks" he said, I smirked at Pansy's angered face.
"But we always sit together?" She asked hurt.
"Yeah... Well not anymore" he said looking at me before and pulling me down the corridor. I slightly laughed to myself, it's obvious Pansy likes Draco, I'd like to know what's happened between them.
I saw Mrs McGonaggle walking down the cross over hallway, she noticed me and carried on walking. Draco looked at me and smirked, he knew people did fear me.

We got to dark arts lesson, Potter and Weasley were talking between themselves looking back to me and then back to one another. Pathetic. Granger was writing down every word the professor said. Pansy was staring at Draco, it was an uncomfortable gaze from a couple seats across. Blaze was sat next to her almost sniggering at her. 
We had tests coming next week, to see what our progress rate is and what standard we were working at, I was excited, most my knowledge was on dark arts.

Draco's POV
Pansy keeps looking at me, what's her problem? I might ask her.
Class was dragging, I think next lesson is a no go. Maybe Aurora would like to go town.
I looked at Snape, he didn't look impressed about my mind wondering off; he glared at me and continued lecturing. I glanced at Aurora, she was watching Pansy, I don't think they like each other very much.

Snape dismissed the class and I grabbed Aurora as she walked out of the door, pulling her aside.
"Hey, wanna sack off transfiguration and go out?" I asked her smirking.
"I don't supposed my father would be best please at me skipping an important class... But yeah I wanna see more of this place" she laughed.
"Will he be mad that I'm being a bad influence right now" I asked.
"He doesn't have to know" she laughed.
We wondered on through the corridors, they were empty now, the paintings watched us.
"Hey get to lesson you!" One shouted, we looked at it and laughed.
We were near the Griffindor common room.
"You know, I know the password" Aurora said looking at me sneakily.
"If you get caught you-" I said.
"Who cares?" She interrupted.
"Kicked out"
"That's all the more fun... You really think they'd be able to kick me out? Imagine the repercussions" she laughed. I thought about myself, maybe the dark lord would fight to keep me here too, just because I am the one guiding her.
"You think the woman would let us in?" She asked.
"I think she'll recognise the Slytherin uniform" I said. Aurora looked around, I could tell she was scheming.
"What are you doing here" one of the Gryffindor prefects asked rudely. We both looked at him and laughed. Aurora grabbed my arm and pulled me away.

We were laughing and walked toward the Slytherin common room. Potter and his crew were lurking about. They seemed to be whispering, probably snooping about something they heard about Aurora. She noticed them two, she looked at me and smirked before approaching them.
"Hey Potter, didn't expect you to skip lesson" I snarled.
"Some of us are smart enough to skip lesson" Granger shot back looking at me. 
"I feel a little sexual tension" Aurora laughed. "You have a thing for our dear Draco"
"Don't be ridiculous" she said hastily. Aurora laughed.
"I can read you like a diary... I know all you're secrets" Aurora said all guns blazing. She pulled out a book from under her robes.
"What's that?" Hermione said quickly. Aurora flaunted it about and Hermione's face went turned bright pink. She went to grab it but Aurora pulled back.
"Where did you get that?" I laughed.
"It had fallen out of someone's luggage when we were at the train station" she said smiling. "You think I didn't get warned about Potter and his meddling friends"
"That's enough" Ron said grabbing Hermione's arm and walking away. Potter swiftly followed and then they were gone.

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