Being a student in Whitmore college was nothing I had hoped from my life. Being interested in the supernatural and all that, I had picked up a couple of courses on occult. There was this new teacher which I was kind of excited about, because the last one, Miss Belbaum didn't really check her facts. But I was still kind of suspicious of this new teacher.
His name was Alaric Saltzman, a name that I really didn't even want to try to pronounce, and he was so handsome I sort of wanted go die. I messed up my red curly hair while I examined him with my blue green eyes. I was sitting in front of this brown haired girl that was just sipping on some protein shake and driving me mad with the slurps and behind me there was a guy who was sleeping his way through the class, snoring every few minutes.
I ruffled up my hair again as I opened my notebook to take notes. Like that was going to matter. I probably knew everything the teacher was going to say. I grew up with supernatural things. Growing up as a witch made sure of that. Especially in a coven.
"Occult: the word in its literal translation means hidden," the teacher wrote on the blackboard in front of the class. "Therefore, the study of the occult..."
The teacher stopped talking. Probably to think of something, but somehow I got a different picture. The girl in front of me kept on slurping her drink, which really really really started driving me insane. I rubbed my temple as I leaned on the small level that held my notes. I prayed to god or whoever decided these things that the chick would just stop.
"Uh.. Therefore, the study of the occult is the study of the hidden knowledge. Today, we're going to discuss it and how it relates to resurrection," Mr. Saltzman turned around, glaring the class. His eyes caught mine and I felt a strange shiver down my spine. He really looked like a guy I would most definitely date. But he was my teacher making him off limits. Or did it?
I did have questionable morals and daddy issues on top of that. I once dated this guy that was in his mid 40's just for fun. And the great food and other things he bought me. But the relationship was build on trust and understanding so when it ended we were both fine with it.
On the front row a blonde girl snickered.
"Is there something funny, Liv?" the teacher asked her. The girl just looked at him proudly leaning back on her chair.
"Uhh. More like ironic, but okay..." Liv continued speaking. I groaned in frustration. I didn't come into this class to hear inside jokes. Maybe that girl was sleeping with the teacher? Ugh I was definitely prettier than her. Just kidding! (Not really I am a bitch.)
Suddenly the whole class turned their eyes over at the door, because some sweaty jock came running in. I frowned as he looked familiar. Wait I definitely knew him. He was...
"Ah. Mr. Lockwood.. How generous of the squad to lend you to us," the teacher uttered with a sarcastic tone in his voice. I chuckled silently at that. I had a bad sense of humour. Or other wise known as I laugh at everything not funny.
"Sorry I'm late," he said as he sat down to Liv.
"Typically not all occult groups held a consensus on the topic," Mr. Saltzman continued talking.

It's a Dangerous Game // tvd, kai parker
RandomGrace Morrow is a young witch normally living her life. She just changed into Whitmore college, and is ready to start a new life without the supernatural. Unfortunately life has different plans for her as she is dragged inside the mess with Mystic F...