I had no idea how I had been dragged into this situation, but here I was with Caroline Forbes, in some kind of a hotel, waiting for Caroline's friend to come out of a closet where he apparently was making out with a fellow witch.
Somehow I had talked back at the diner and got fired. It was amazing how quickly the manager was able to fire me. And of course Caroline Forbes was there and took me with her, because I really had no where else to be. She said that she wanted to search on how to get her friends back from the Other side because apparently the guy who was supposed to do it, wasn't doing it.
"Ew I think they're kissing," Caroline informed me. She probably used her super vampire hearing.
"You better get in there Care before they start having sex," I said with a squint of my eyes. Caroline was just about to go inside the closet before she stopped and looked at me with a serious frown.
"You know I feel like such a bad friend! We knew each other for like 6 years before you guys left Mystic Falls and I didn't message you once," she said and looked at me from head to toe. I chuckled silently and moved my hair behind my ear.
"Caroline it's fine," I tried but she looked at me like she didn't buy it. "Seriously it's fine! We can make up the time we lost. Now please get your friend out of there before it's too late!"
Caroline nodded. Her blonde hair did a hair flip when she entered the closet. I was left at the hotel lobby to wait for the two, or three, to get out of the closet. My phone was constantly buzzing in my pocket and it made me so annoyed.
But the receptionist of the hotel was so cute and it distracted me from the phone. I winked at him, but I didn't have a chance to take things further because Caroline came to the lobby with her friend. My jaw dropped when I saw him because he was so beautiful.
"Oh Caroline who is your gorgeous friend?" he asked making me scoff.
"Enzo this is Grace, Grace this is Enzo," Caroline introduced us and the dark tall handsome man offered his hand to me.
I shook his hand while scanning his face. He was rather handsome, I couldn't deny that, but he was yet again another vampire. The witch Enzo had apparently hooked up with walked now out of the closet her face flushed.
"She's pretty," I said cocking my head and smiling widely to her. The witch blushed and turned her brown eyes out of mine. Caroline and Enzo both looked at me confused. Caroline maybe more confused than Enzo. I shrugged with a slight frown. "What? I like both men and women. Deal with it."
"I'm sure I will," Enzo commented smirking.
"Stop hyper-sexualizing it. Perv," I said back. I had to convince myself not to hurt Enzo with my magic, because that was a total douche move.
So we got back to over to Caroline's car. Enzo walked to the front seat, which made me scoff very loudly. He turned over to me with a frown.
"What?" he asked, but when he realized I wanted to ride there, a sly smirk got onto his lips.
"I want to remind you that I am a witch and will make you be in horrible pain," I said walking closer to him.
"Mm yes please," he said leaning on the car. I scoffed with a roll of my eyes before violently grabbing him by his leather jacket.
"Move before I smite you," I whispered dangerously. Finally Enzo lifted his hands up in the air as a sign of surrender, and moved over to the back seat. I smiled in satisfaction when I sat on the front seat. I knew Caroline noticed our little argument, but only created a meaningful glance towards me.
"You know this feels really condescending sitting on the back seat," Enzo said after a while of driving.
"I'm gonna' call Elena," Caroline stated and dialed to her friend using her car phone. Or that no hands thingy. After of all the casual hello's and greetings, Elena started to talk about some guy named Damon. Enzo explained that Damon was the other one dead. Or stuck somewhere.

It's a Dangerous Game // tvd, kai parker
RandomGrace Morrow is a young witch normally living her life. She just changed into Whitmore college, and is ready to start a new life without the supernatural. Unfortunately life has different plans for her as she is dragged inside the mess with Mystic F...