{3} Used to Getting His Way [Harry]

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"You haven't seen him again, have you?" I ask June. I don't know what's gotten into me, I feel protective over her and I don't know why. Maybe I'm finally coming to my senses? Nah.

She shakes her head at me without saying a word. It doesn't look like she's very comfortable talking about him.

"Sorry, I'm just worried that he might eventually find you all by yourself." She shivers. "I don't want him to hurt you." I apologize softly as I gently caress her cheek.

Who am I? It's like my brother has cursed me or something! Sure I do this on a daily basis but this right here has a different meaning. I'm actually scared of what this might be.

June smiles at me but she looks just as unsure as the way I am feeling.

As the bell rings, I follow June inside the classroom and watch as she looks around, choosing a seat. I stop her when I see her heading for the back of the room like she usually does.

She turns around to watch me take away her books from the grip of her arms and place them on a second row table. I take a seat and, smiling up at her, gesture for her to do the same.

She looks around uncomfortably, but sits down beside me determined. I chuckle as I watch and she looks at the blackboard ignoring the people around her.

"You definitely needed to stop hiding at the back of the class." I say as I see how uncomfortable she looks for finally getting out of that shell she's been hiding in.

I shake my head when I'm waiting for her to react and she doesn't. "Well, it was nice of you to seat beside me." I try again and this time, it pays off. I smile wider as I see her do the same. She has a wonderful smile. "You need to smile more as well. That's going to be my next goal: make you smile more." I write a mental note as I say.

She shakes her head smiling and look forward as the teacher enters the room. I mimic her, losing all hope that she'll answer me.

Madam Blanc addresses June as she puts her bag on the table and looks at her. She is smiling as she expresses in French how much she is pleased that June is sitting at the front of the class.

De rien, Madame. [tr.: You're welcome, Madam]

She turns around and starts writing on the board as she keeps spitting words I don't care to pay attention.

"What was that all about?" I decide instead to quietly ask June. I frown as I pretend I didn't understand. "All I got was 'trés content' [tr.: very happy]..." I lie, doing a terrible accent, making her chuckle softly.

"She was saying how happy she was that I had joined class again." She explains and suddenly there's a knock on the door before Alec opening it from the other side.

After he quickly apologizes for being late, Madame Blanc tells him to take a seat next to June. I watch closely as he smile grows bigger, before she complements him on his French accent. She seems amazed as she smiles at him and he thanks shyly.

There goes my change at making her smile more.

I sigh rolling my eyes and stay quiet for the rest of the lesson.

"Alor, voulez vous sortir avec moi, ce soir?" [tr.: So, will you go out with me, this evening?] I wink at her as I ask when we walk out of the classroom.

She seems caught off guard as she answers way too quickly. "No, I've got studying to do."

We don't even have any tests but I ignore that. "How about tomorrow?" I insist.

She sighs. "No, Harry."

I feel a little out of place. This has never happened before.

"And here I was thinking I would get you to go out with me if I spoke French." I chuckle trying to play it cool, but suddenly I don't really know how. I pass my hand through my hair. I haven't felt embarrassed in a long time and it's not pleasant. "I'm going to go find James, okay?" I'll see you at lunch time." I tell her before walking away. I needed to get out of there.

On my way to... somewhere, I spot Sarah. She waves at me provokingly, but I ignore her. Hopefully she'll think I'm my brother.

"Hey, Harry!" she shouts and I hear her running towards me.

She stops me by hugging me from the back.

"I know it's you, Harry. I know you too well." She whispers in my ears as she takes my hand pushing me along with her.

"Sarah, I'm not in the mood right now." I tell her when she pushes me against the wall, in that hidden place of the school we usually go to.

"Are you sure?" She keeps whispering in my ear trying to persuade me.

Her lips touch the skin in my neck and her hands slide down my body, tugging at my jeans.

If only I didn't need this.

She lets out a small chuckle in victory as I groan before turning us around and pushing her against the wall. I grab both her hands pinning them against the wall too, just above her head, keeping them from toughing me.

She smiles victorious as my other hand sneaks around her waist. "I knew you couldn't resist me." Her smirk is obvious but doesn't match my expression.

"Oh, shut up!" I demand and kiss her furiously.

Fine if she wants Alec instead. What does he have that I don't anyway?

Oh, I'm going paranoid! What's gotten into me? I have a fine girl right here just for me. What else could a man want?

I want her. That's what! And she said no. I'm not used to getting "no" as an answer and this time it actually meant something how did this even happen?!

The bell rang for the second time. I skipped class. We both did. But it doesn't matter.

I pull away from Sarah's lips, putting an end to our make out session. I smirk down at her. "I've got to go, love." I wink at her as I grab my stuff, watching her pulling herself together. "See you around."

"Don't be a stranger!" I hear her giggle after I turn around.

Now on to the gym... well, lunch really.

"Are you kidding? They're sick!" Alec exclaims.

"Hey what have you been up to?" I ask surprising June as I put my arm around her shoulders, pulling her closer to me. "Who's sick?"

"Coach Mullins' muscles apparently." June chuckles.

"Oh, I've got some muscles too, you want to see?" I joke as I start flexing the bicep on my free arm.

I reach my goal. She actually starts laughing. "They're okay, I guess." She answers.

They're "okay"?! That hurt.

I suddenly straighten up as we pass by Ellie. Oh this is going to be great! "Hey, babe." I smile walking up to her.

"Goodbye, Harry." She disses me with a furrowed brow. I guess she already knows me too well.

I put my arm back around June's shoulders. "How does she always know it's me?!" I complain more to myself.

June doesn't seem to find it as funny as a confused look appears on her beautiful features. "It's a joke. I like to pretend I'm my brother and see if people fall for it." I explain to her shrugging. I never said it out loud.

"Well, that's not weird at all!" She widens her eyes sarcastically. "Especially when talking about your brother's actual girlfriend."

"He knows." Oh, yes, he does.

"I am glad he does then." She says serious. She didn't find any of this slightly funny. "Shall we go eat? I'm starving!" She looks around noticing that Alec is no longer with us.

Scared of some competition, are we? Well, he better get used to it.

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