{#2} Newcastle's Party [Jary]

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Mary's POV

"Hello?" I smiled at the sound of George's voice.

"Hey babe-"

"Oh, hey. Sorry, I didn't check the caller ID." He said interrupting me. "How are you? I miss you."

 I smiled more and my heart raced a little. I missed him too. We hadn't seen each other since lunch two days ago because I didn't have classes after and today he didn't have in the morning. We didn't see each other in the afternoon because we didn't have classes together. I missed him but I also kind of felt guilty about James. It was wrong that we kissed and we agreed that it wasn't happening again since I told him I had a boyfriend. I still felt somewhat melancholic after that, though unaware of the reason.

"I missed you too." I said feeling myself pout. "Look, I was thinking. June needs to go out, literally or she'll die from depression of constantly being at home." I half joked. "And I thought we could," this might have not been a good idea. "Go to Newcastle's party." I bit my lip afraid of his reaction.

"Yeah. Yeah, sure." He said sounding a little hesitant.

"Great. I'm driving there with June. I'll see you there?" I asked.

"Yes, see you there." He answered and I hung up.

I didn't quite know why I was doing this. Maybe I wanted James to see George so that I could also tell myself that it was not happening again.

I opened the messages on my phone, ready to answer James text.

Yes, we're coming. I'll see you there.

He answered in an instant.

Great. C ya :)

"Cheer up! This is going to be fun!" I exclaimed trying to at least get her to smile as we pulled into Newcastle's driveway.

"Sure, whoohoo!"

I rolled my eyes at her sarcasm and turned off the engine. I took my phone out of my trousers' pocket to call George to know where he was. As I unlocked the screen I had a text, from him.

I'm not feeling so well, I'm sorry. But you two should go and have fun. Maybe I'll see you tomorrow? Xx

I sighed and started typing back.

Yeah, okay. I do hope you feel better tomorrow then. xx

And that was when I began to think that he was cheating on me and felt guilty so he avoided me. Or he somehow knew what had happened between me and James and didn't want to see me because of that. I was sure there was no way he could've known so I went for the first option.

"Trouble?" I hear June ask next to me. We were still inside the car.

I hadn't told her that George was coming with us, so there was no point in telling her now that he wasn't coming after all.

"No, everything fine." I manage to force a small smile on my lips and didn't wait for her to frown or reply as I knew she would. Instead, I just opened my door and got out.

I put my phone inside my pocket after turning off the sound on it and vibrate as well. This night I didn't want anything else bothering me. I guess I felt a little upset that George had sort of ditched me.

I looked at June leaning against the other side of the car and so I locked it before going to her. She was staring at the huge house in front of us. Music was blasting from the inside making it fell like the glass windows wouldn't last much longer. There were people in the garden laughing and drinking like crazy. Two blokes were fighting on the grass, one on top of the other. They weren't really fighting since they were laughing really hard (probably drunk) and so were the people that made a semicircle around them. I myself laughed a little at that.

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