Chapter 1

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"Wake up! Wake up! It's your first day of your Senior year!!" My mom yells as she barges in my room.
"Since I've been going to school for 11 years of my life and already have all the credits I need, can I just not have a Senior year?" I ask jokingly as I rub my eyes and stumble out of bed.
"Um heck no! Senior year is the best year ever and I will not let you miss it. Now go get ready and I will make you some breakfast." My mom says as she pushes me into my bathroom.
"Can I just show up in my pajamas? It's not like I'm going to meet the love of my life."
"Hey you never know." My mom replies. "I met your father my Senior year. Man, Senior felt like yesterday that I went to Prom with your dad. And he kissed me on the dance floor. Your dad is a good kisser you know and..."
"Ew mom! No! Just stop! Go downstairs and make everyone breakfast and don't ever say that again!" I say disgusted.
My mom laughs and makes her way to the kitchen.
As I step out of the steamy shower I hear loud banging outside my room in the hall.
"Mom, Gray locked me out of the bathroom again and is taking forever to get ready!" I hear Landon shout as he is banging on the bathroom door.
My brothers always like to push each others buttons whenever they get the chance. But they are still best friends.
"Grayson Anthony, open the door and let your brother get ready for school! And both of you, be nice to each other." My mother shouts from the kitchen downstairs.
I blow dry my hair and curl it then put my makeup on. I then put on my favorite shirt and grab my bag as I head downstairs to eat breakfast.
"Where's dad?" I ask my mom.
"He had a meeting this morning so he left a little earlier than usual." My mother replied.
Grayson and Landon run down the stairs while laughing and shoving each other into everything that was in sight.
"Boys quit it! You're going to break something!" My mom said sternly.
As I finish my orange juice I get a text from my best friend, Ashley.
"I'm gonna be a few minutes late picking you up today cuz the line at Starbucks was really long." The text read.
Ashley and I have been friends since first grade. She is wild and crazy but also humble and kind. She is also very pretty and everyone loves her. Ashley's dad owns a car lot on 3rd Avenue and is very successful with what he does and her mother is a nurse at the hospital in town.
As Ashley pulls into the driveway, I grab my bag and rush to her car due to the lack of time we have to get to school.
"Sorry I'm late! I got you a coffee to make up for it." Ashley says as she hands me the warm drink.
"It's totally fine. And thanks for the coffee." I say as I take a sip of it. "And thanks for the ride."
"No problem. My dads pays for my gas so we can drive anywhere you want." She says as she giggles.
We pull into the school parking lot with ten minutes to get to class, which is way more time than I thought we would have. Luckily our first class is towards the front of the school. Ashley and I have every class together except for 4th hour. I have Spanish and Ashley has French.
We walk into Algebra together and quickly take a seat before the bell rings.
"Welcome back everyone. I hope you all had a great summer." Mr. Dudley says after introducing himself to the class.
"I see we have a new student who has moved from..." He looks back to the papers in his hand. "Cheshire, England. Wow you have come a long way Mr..."
"Edwards. Harry Edwards." The boy stated.
His deep British accent sent chills down my back. I turn around to look at him. He has dark curly hair and bright green eyes. He is wearing a striped button downed shirt with the top few buttons unbuttoned, black skinny jeans and a pair of boots. He was very beautiful and it took me off guard. As I'm admiring his appearance he looks at me and I quickly turn around and face the front of the classroom.
"Well it's good to have you in class, Harry. Welcome to Easton High" Mr. Dudley says.
When I turned to look at him again, I caught him staring at me with his luring eyes. I quickly turned around again. Throughout class, whenever I glanced over to the new kid, he always had his eyes glued to me. There was something about him that intrigued me.

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