Chapter 2

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"And the answer is..." Mr. Dudley asks waiting for an answer.
"It's 57." Ashley answers with a smug look on her face.
Ashley loves math and is extremely smart. I however despise math and prefer a more undemanding class like Language Arts for the reason that I love to read and write.
"That's correct." Mr. Dudley replied. " There is only a few minutes of class. Your homework tonight is to get your syllabus signed and come fully prepared tomorrow. I know the bell hasn't rung yet but I will let you guys leave a little early today. Don't think this will be a recurring thing. Have a great day." Mr. Dudley says as he exuses us.
While walking out the door, I feel an elbow hit me right in the ribs. I look over to see a shocked Ashley.
"Oh my gosh did you see that??" Ashley asks, in awe.
"No. What?" I ask as I rub my side.
"That new Harry guy was totally checking you out the whole time!" She said. "And he is super hot!"
"Yeah he's pretty cute." I say as I blush.
"I think he likes you, Hannah." Ashley says smirking.
"Oh I seriously doubt that."
"Oh my gosh! This is going to be perfect. You guys are going to get married and have the cutest kids on planet earth!" Ashley says while jumping up and down with excitement.
"Woah, woah, woah. Slow your role. I am not going to marry him and we are not going to have any kids."
"Okay so maybe you're not going to have any kids with him. But quit being so blind!! You obviously didn't  see the way he looked at you! He likes you and you have to talk to him." Ashley says while smiling ear to ear.
"But I don't even know him."
"Well here is the chance to get to know him because here he comes." Ashley says winking at me.
"What?! But I..." Before I had the chance to finish Harry was standing right behind me.
"Hey, um... It's Harry right? I'm Ashley." Ashley says introducing  herself. "We have Algebra together. And this is my best friend, Hannah."
"Hello Hannah." Harry says to me as he stares at me with those deep green juvenile eyes and that alluring accent.
"Hi I'm... Um.. Hannah...but you already know that." I say feeling as if I could just fall off the face of the earth. Why does he have to be so cute?!
Harry laughs making me feel even worse.
"Um I was wondering if you ladies would mind showing me to my next class?"
"Well actually I have to go talk to my teacher, but Hannah would love to show you around." Ashley says as she pushes me closer to him and starts to walk away giggling. She turns around and mouths "You're welcome".
"Uh yeah I would love to help. So what class do you have next?" I ask glancing at the schedule he handed to me.
"I have AP History and I think it's room..." Harry pauses looking at the paper in my hand.
"Room 203. I guess we have that class together too." I say as I look up to find a smile on Harry's face.
"That's lovely." Harry says still looking at me.
"...What?" I ask shyly.
"I just fancy you Hannah. You're a very beautiful girl and I'd like to get to know you better." Harry says , never taking his eyes off of me.
Walking into class we find Ashley already there with two seats open next to her. As I sit, Ashley winks at me again.
"So I see you guys have become more familiar with each other." She nudges me.
"Yes." Harry says. "And I was just telling Hannah how I wanted to get to know you gals better. So I was wondering if you guys would like to go to dinner with me and my friend Niall on Friday night?"
"Uhh...I d-"
"Yes! I mean yeah sure that sounds like fun we would LOVE to!" Ashley says a little too excited.
"I was also wondering if it could be sort of a...double date." Harry says hesitantly.
"That's Perfect. You and Hannah. Niall and I. That sounds like a date. Great. Awesome. Good." Ashley giggles.
"Yeah Niall is a great guy. You'll love him." Harry says. "Oh. And Hannah? Would it be fine if I picked you up at your house at let's say...6:30?"
"Yes that would be fine." I reply hoping I sound more calm than I feel.
Harry looked as if he wanted to say more but the bell rings and class starts.
I cannot believe it! I am going on a date with Harry.

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