Chp2:Used to be alive

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Allisons POV:
"Jacob feakin' Sartorius I swear to god if u don't come here this instant" wow I sound so much like a mom. Let me explain to you what happened. Jacob came home late from school today. It wasn't a big deal till i asked him why he was home late and he wouldn't tell me. Now I'm in the middle of trying to find out why.

"Al, come on it not a big deal. I was just..." Jacob stated while looking at the clock.

"You were a hour and 10 minutes Jacob. Don't they teach you math in school?" Chuckling, I just decided I would give up and get it out of him later.
I have never understood why I even bothered trying. Jacob is so stubborn sometimes. He's almost worse than Mark. Speaking of the devil I think he just pulled in.
{A/N guys lets just pretend that Mark is 15, Jacob is 14 and that you can drive at 15 ok? Ok thanks😂}

"ALLI GIRL IM HOME COME HERE BABY!" Woah Mark, thanks for making me feel like a dog.

"If u call me like I'm some dog I'd rather date Blake". I said with a smirk. Mark's face went white.

"No, no Alli I didn't mean it like that please forgive me. I'm so sorry. I love you please don't break up its me for Blake! Stay with me your Mark!" Mark ranted as if he was scared for his life.

That was the longest rant I think he has ever said.
"Omg mark" I laughed "You out of everyone should know I would never do that"

"ALLISON DONT EVER DO THAT TO ME YOU SCARED ME!" Screamed Mark. And I thought Jacob was the loud one all this time.

I looked at the clock and realized i had to start making dinner before I had two screaming boys saying their hungry. Ughh i don't want to cook I'm only 15 I should be hanging out with my friends and going to school dances and soccer tourneys. But instead I take online school, half of my friends are through social media I have never really met, and I take care of 1 and 1/2 boys. Well if u consider Mark 1/2 cause he's always at our house. Ok, Ally you went of track again. Think about dinner. Ya, now that I'm thinking about it, I'm just ordering pizza.

"J! Babe! What type of pizza do u want" I said hoping they would hear from where ever they are. And... Of course they didn't. I walked up the stairs to try and find them.

"I'm like 2 years older than you jerk! Let me choice!"

" Your only a year and like a half older and Alli says I can't do math gosh"

"You little piece of" and this is where i come in. I ran up to the tv room to find Jacob pinned up against the wall.

"MARK THOMAS WHAT THE HELL DO YOU THINK YOUR DOING" and if your wondering, yes this has been happening kinda of a lot lately. Yes they did USED to be best friends. Key work in that sentence is used. They have an on and off relationship now. Their friendship is like a light bulb that someone is constantly flicking on and off.

When Mark was distracted Jacob took this moment to punch him in the jaw for absolutely no reason at all. Ok well I would punch some one too if they pinned me against a wall for no reason sooo.

After that whole situation sorted itself out. Well by me reprimand them and giving Mark ice for his jaw. I finally ordered the pizza. We were waiting for the pizza when I decided to break the very, very awkward silence.

"Guys I can't do this anymore" I started

"Do what?" Both boys replied at the same time. Wow know wonder they used to be best friend they think and say all the same thing.

"I can't have you guys fight like this. I'm supposed to be a babysitter not a mother. I'm acting like a mom half the time and guys, trust me, There's a big difference between them" I let out a little laugh as I spoke. "My teenage years are supposed to be with friends and school dances and going to parties"

"What are you saying Allison?" Oh god, Jacob only calls me my full name when something bad happens or he's mad.

"I-i don't feel um like, idk how to explain it. The feeling when your always having fun and doing stuff you loved to do? Not that I don't love you guys tho!" I said covering up my mistake quickly

"Im not sure, I guess I don't feel A-Alive? Anymore I guess?"

Guys don't worry please keep reading this is probably the worst chapter. Sorry😂

Used to: a Mark Thomas and Jacob Sartorius fanficWhere stories live. Discover now