Chapter 1

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Edit: I changed, deleted, and rewrote a few things.


Name's Lily.

I'm just your average sixteen year old Christian teenage girl (except I'm more of a tomboy). I'm the kind of girl who hates all the girly stuff. I hate wearing make up, I hate the clothes that girls like to wear now-a-days. They were to revealing for my liking. I prefer to wear my old faded jeans with holes. I'll wear any shirt so long as it's not too revealing. I also love to wear my two favorite beanies everywhere, even in the middle of summer. One of them was a black beanie that hung down over the ears, the pattern was a cat face sown on, ears that stick up out of the hat were included. The other was a fuzzy beanie with an alternating rainbow striping down with dark blue separating each color. On that beanie, I have a small Fireflight pin that's slightly off center to the left.

Music? Simple, I'll listen to anything except Pop, Classical, and Rap (unless it's TobyMac or KJ-52, I love those guys). Mostly I listen to Rock and Christian Rock. If there's nothing to listen to, then I'll listen to Country (gatta love that Country twang). Seeing as how I literally live out in the Sticks and Country is pretty much all we really get out here.

As I mentioned before, I'm a Christian. You can go right ahead and try to bring me down about my Relationship (it's a relationship, not a religion). But whether you like it or not, I'll always stand firm. After all, my theme song is "Jesus Freak" by the Newsboys. Part of being a Christian means NO swearing. Though sometimes I do slip up when I'm either really mad or stressed or both, that's when I slip up the most. Ya know, the whole mouth moving faster than your mind?

Alright, enough about me. Onward and upward with my life!

So you're probably wondering what I'm doing right now? Well again, simple. Since my sixteenth birthday was last month, I'm going to the bank to get the checks my grandparents and aunt and uncle gave me turned into cash.

After grabbing my panda backpack and clipping my wallet onto one of my belt loops, I grabbed my fuzzy hat and glasses and put them on. (I'm near-sighted, so I kinda need them when I'm driving.) I was about to leave my room when I remembered a few things. Phone, ring (I feel naked with out it when I'm in public), a blue and silver survival bracelet, and my Skillet CD's (Awake and Alive and Comatose). I slid my new smart phone into my coat pocket and slide my spinner ring (helps with my ADD) onto my left ring finger then I clipped on my survival bracelet. I double checked my room to make sure my cats weren't in it. Not finding them, I locked and closed my door behind me.

I grabbed the car key from where it was hanging by the door and walked out and let the screen door slam close as I walked to our red '06 Pontiac Grand Prix. I unlocked the car and hoped in, tossing my panda onto the passenger seat as I adjusted the driver seat. After the seat was in a comfortable driving position for me, I did my usual routine of checking adjusting the mirrors and steering wheel. Unfortunately, I'm the shortest one of the family. Even my little brother who is only thirteen is taller than me by a few inches. (I'm about 5'5".) After adjusting everything and putting my CD's into our six slot CD player, I was ready to leave.

I looked out the windshield as I put the car into drive. I hesitated before pulling out of the car port. Why did I feal like I should be staying home rather than going out?

I shrugged the feeling off and drove slowly over our 'lake' that we have in the middle of our long gravel driveway. I stopped at the main road and turned on my right blinker, waiting for a car to pass. When the car passed, I turned onto the main back road. Turning on my Skillet, I turned it up till I could feel the base vibrating the car, something I couldn't do when my parents were with me. Smiling, I relaxed as I drove on the windy back road.

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