|Chapter Sixteen|

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Chapter Sixteen:
Michael's POV

After the long ass interview, we got back to the house. We were all tired, so everyone went straight to their rooms for a nap. I was excited to see Rachel, but when I got to her room she wasn't there.

"Rachel?" I ask, loudly. I wait for a response and when I don't hear one I got downstairs to look for her. It's extremely quiet which is weird when, you know, Rachel is extremely loud.

I reach the kitchen and that's when I see her. She's really pale and she's slumped down on the chair.

"Rachel?" I say, shaking her awake. When she looks up she has a blank look on her face.

"Oh. Hello..boyfriend?" She asks, not sure.

"Are you ok?" I ask. She nods and starts walking out of the room.

"Where are you going? I just got back.." I said, trailing off because she was out of hearing range. I start to follow her and when I catch up to her I spin her around. She has an angry look on her face. But that's not what caught my attention.

It was the green in her eyes.

I've looked at Rachel a lot of times, and she does not have green in her eyes. She probably decided to wear contacts.

"What are you doing?! I need to find the necklace!" She screams, probably waking everyone in the house up.

"Why do you need the necklace? We only wear them when we are actually going to morph.." I say.

"I need it because... I just need it. Where's yours?" She asked. She still had that blank look on her face and she didn't seem normal.

"It's in my room. Why?" I ask, but she was already running up the stairs.

"Where are you going! Why are you acting so weird?!" I say, already frustrated. I go up and run into my room, where I see her looking through all my stuff.

"What are you doing?!" I scream. She turns around, then continues to look for it. I grab her and hold her down on the bed. She struggles to get up, but even though I'm not strong, she's weaker.

"Babe, you can tell me anything. I love you so much and I care about how you feel. And I know we only started dating but I swear, I love you so much." I say. For a second, I thought I was imagining when I saw the green in her eyes go away.

But then I blinked, and it was really gone. I hadn't imagined it.

"Michael, they are mind controlling me and they want our necklaces. I don't know how it wore off, but they are coming. They know where it is now." She says in one breath, then points to the floor, where she had thrown the necklace. I was still confused but then her eyes turned green again.

By now, my grip on her had loosen, so she used it to her advantage and ran off. I get up to go after her and chase her, but she's too fast and by they time I was downstairs, she was already out of the house.

I turn around to grab the necklace, but it was gone. Not only had they took the necklace, but they took the one thing I loved.

And that was Rachel.


Sorry for the late update, I just started another book and school and I'm a really lazy person in general. Hope you enjoyed the chapter


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