Chapter One: Attempt

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"Addie!" I turned around to find Will running across the courtyard to where I stood in the gardens with Sterling. "Hold on!"

As he reached me, Will paused to breathe before acknowledging his reason for a hurry.

"I told you to wait for me. You know it's practically tradition that on the day of your birthday I have a surprise waiting for you." He bent down to pet Sterling on his head.

"Well, I wasn't going to stand in the middle of the court waiting. Besides I had to go take a walk with Sterling. But now that your here then show me this surprise of yours."

I acted nonchalantly but as usual I was excited to know what Will has for me this year. He never failed to make me happy with his meaningful gifts. Sterling was proof.

 "Follow me." He smiled as offered his hand towards me as he stood up from greeting the grown dog. "We're going out riding."

I frowned. "Where are we going?"

"Dear Addie, it's called a surprise for a reason!" Will chuckled. "Well, follow me."

Once we were both saddled and ready to go Sterling right at our heels, following. Will clicked his tongue to motion the horse to start in a gallop. However, when I think about riding, I thought about the wind blowing through my hair as I went as fast as I could. Squeezing my thighs gently, my chestnut colored mare named Brandy knew immediately what to do and soon enough I was ahead of Will.

He was stunned for a moment, but eventually smiled and went after me. Just like always. "You don't even know where we're going. There's no point in racing but when we head back I will challenge you, and I will win. As always."

"Well my dear Prince, you are mistaken. I believe it's the other way around, where I win. It's been like that for quite a while and you would've noticed if you hadn't been so busy being a self-proclaimed winner all the time." I said haughtily and smirked at him. We slowed down to a trot in order to talk and I followed him through the woods. "Now please, enlighten me with our destination. You know I hate surprises."

Will rolled his eyes and said, "Addie, you don't even hate surprises, you just hate the fact of not knowing and also you are impatient."

I huffed in annoyance, he made a good point, and in order to keep my pride I stayed silent and surveyed our surroundings.
After a while I suddenly noticed that a few guards trailed behind us. "Will," I said seriously, "Where are we really going? By the looks of things, this is more than a mere ride to the forest."

He sighed, exasperated, but more in a teasing manner. Will looked at me in the eye for a moment and chuckled. "Did I forget to mention you are also very persistent?" He shook his head smiling. "Well don't worry, you'll find out soon enough. We're almost there."

I took a deep breath and smelled a different breeze than the one of the forest. It grew colder and the wind gusts became stronger, not like a whipping madness like a tornado but more of a gentle push. Suddenly, the scenery changed and we galloped through a wide clearing and I looked around to see we were atop a small cliff, overlooking the blue-green sea in contrast to the bright blue cloudless sky.

"It's beautiful. I've only ever been to the sea once." I looked up from admiring the beautiful view and gazed at Will in admiration. "Thank you."

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