Chapter Two: Poison

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"I don't understand, how was he even poisoned? It must've been the arrow but I was scratched too and nothing's happened."

"But Brandy was poisoned as well."

With my eyes still closed I hear people talking in a very worried manner. I recalled what had landed me to become unconscious, remembering the attack.

"Yes but, they were all directed at me. Perhaps they were only merely trying to bring down my guards but Will had been in the line of shot."

Soon, I started recognizing the voices around me.

"With a poison-tipped arrow, they only need a mere scratch or as William's case, a hit to the shoulder to kill." Said the voice of my mother, Lady Catherine. The bed dipped on my right side, it must've been Addie trying to see if I was awake. I could hear them clearly and I was aware, but I couldn't move.

"Exactly! I was scratched too, but I wasn't poisoned." Addie said frustrated, it didn't make sense either.

Slowly I tried to pry my eyes open, bit by bit. It was difficult since I felt numb and paralyzed. Eventually they opened, the first thing I saw was Addie's concerned face over mine. Her eyes widened as she noticed I had woken up.

"He's awake!" She exclaimed.

I heard scurrying on the other side of the bed, my mother must've been on her way to call for food, water and medicine. I was starved, and I wondered how long I've been asleep for.

"Oh, finally," my mother said. "I was getting very worried since you've been knocked out for a whole day, not moving an inch!"

I groaned. Has it been that long? It explains my hunger. But then I had realized that we didn't get around to celebrate for Addie! I tried to muster my strength in order to get up but it was a continuous struggle and with Addie deliberately pushing me back down on the bed.

"William! Stay in bed, you're too weak and besides where would you go."

With a dry mouth I rasped, "We need to finish that celebration of yours, I can't have all that ruined because of me." But as I was stubborn, she was too.

"No! Absolutely not. I wouldn't have enjoyed the feast if you weren't present anyway, now go back to bed and rest." I laid back down, giving up defeat.

"I'll find a way to make it up to you. I promise, Addie." I grabbed her right hand who was assisting my pillow comfortably in my head. She shook her head at me and sat down on the bed.

"You don't have to, I'll be alright. Nothing's more important right now, Will." She sat down on the bed beside my head, remembering to keep at a safe distance since she probably didn't want to accidentally hit my injured shoulder, Addie was clumsy that way. "We're trying to figure out who poisoned you and why I wasn't poisoned at all."

Suddenly one of the two guards who stood at the door stepped forward, I wouldn't have noticed them if they hadn't. I realized it was one of our most trusted warriors in the royal guard, Xavier, who had also grown up with Addie and I.

"I think I have an idea why, milady." He said, coming closer. His green eyes bright in the dimly lit room, which had contrasted to his dark hair.

Addie sighed beside me. "Xavier, we've all know each other for a long time, I don't understand why you still push to call us any different than our names." He chuckled, and she said, "Do remember that, next time. And what was your idea about anyway?"

I slowly sat up on the bed, not trying to get on my feet but simply trying to sit up and lean on the headboard in order to listen to Xavier's theories better.

"Well, I was present during the attack and I noticed that the arrow that had scratched you came from a different direction entirely, unlike the poisoned ones that were coming from behind us."

I frowned and said, "What are you trying to say?"

"What if that other arrow was fired by a different person for another purpose? Maybe to protect you. It had deflected one arrow that was headed for you. And the second time they tried to aim for you, William was in the way. Which made both of their attempts unsuccessful."

I looked at Addie with her mouth agape. It was silent for a while as we contemplated the possibilities. Addie finally spoke and she said, "It's possible. I think the other arrow did come from another direction. But first who would want me dead and who defended me?"

This wasn't good. If the attempts on her life was unsuccessful the first time it would mean they would come back to strike again, but this time in a different approach.

I was suddenly alert and I was even more determined to get on my feet to prepare orders for more guards.

Xavier noticed my conclusion and I ordered him, "We need more guards to surround the castle and you should always stick to Adelaide, be her personal guard." Xavier wasn't just our childhood friend but also the general for the royal guard and his father was my father's most trusted adviser and I trusted him too.

The door to my chambers opened and revealed my mother with maids to help. One of them carrying clothes and the other carrying food. She noticed my tense stance. "What is going on?" She said her brows raised.

"Well, dear mother," I said, "Xavier proposed a theory on our little dilemma about the poisoned arrows and I think we should tighten out security."

She tried to stutter a reply but I had interrupted her, saying, "Trust me, it'll make sense once he explains it. But for now, we need to do something immediately."

Right then, I didn't notice that Addie reached for the food on the maids hands. She had two plates; one for me and probably the other for Addie. My suspicions were confirmed when I saw what the plate that she reached for contained. It had her favorite food in it, strawberries, and some meat, bread and cheese. Her favorite selection. She loved eating the strawberries first and I was hypnotized watching her eat them. Then after she moved on to the rest in her platter, putting meat in her bread.

Addie was probably hungry after staying the whole time with me. Then I noticed a weird aroma to the meat, Addie was too famished to notice that there was something different about her food but I was close enough to smell that something wasn't right. It didn't smell like a spoiled meat either, it was odd but I knew it wasn't good.

Before I could stop her, the food was already in her mouth.

"Addie, no!" I reached my hands out.

And I was too late as I watched her turn abnormally pale and collapse in my arms, chocking on air.

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