You're starting to heal

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It wasn't long before those tubes up your nose and the drip in your arm was taken away since you were healing quite fast.

Donatello had just walked in his lab to check up on your wound.

"Hello (y/n), how are ya feeling today?" Donnie asks with a geeky smile as you sat up.

"I'm feeling good. My injury doesn't feel that sore anymore, lately it's been itching."

"That's a good thing (y/n) because that means that you're healing slowly, but surely." He pushed his glasses up the bridge of his nose. "Just going t'ha give ya a quick check up."

Donatello carefully slid your shirt off, trying not to blush but he was already used to it.

He gently unwrapped the bandages around your chest, meanwhile Raph had fallen asleep on a chair from keeping an eye on you all night.

Donnie observed your injury and it actually wasn't that bad. It would bleed now and then but only a little and it'd get smaller and smaller each day.

Right now, it looked like a small cut with pink skin surrounding it. Donnie quickly got a disinfectant liquid and he poured it on some cotton, then gently wiped the blood away, not leaving any fluff behind.

You decided that you wanted to do something to help yourself, so as Donnie was about to put some soothing gel on, you told him that you could do it.

He handed you the tube of gel and you took it.

You opened up the lid and squeezed a little on two of your fingers and gently rubbed it where the wound was located.

And then closed the lid again. Donnie was quite impressed and he took the tube of gel back from you.

He wrapped the bandages around your body gently making sure not to hurt you. He never looked at your chest area, it'd make him blush a lot so he shook his head to clear it and then helped you get your shirt back on again.

Once it was on you thanked him.
"Thanks alot for helping me Donnie." You said happily.

"It's always a pleasure to help (y/n)." He said as he went to go wash his hands. "I'll be nearby if you need me." He stated, you nodded your head and he walked out, closing the door.

The sound of the door woke Raphael up from his sleep and he quickly looked at you to see if you were okay and you were perfectly fine.

"Are you finally awake?" You smiled at him and he rolled his eyes with a small crack of a smile.

He was up all night since you would get sore and itchy, you'd toss and you'd turn, you'd have nightmares of getting shot and Raphael yelling at you again and you'd sometimes scream or cry. But you never knew you were doing it and every time Raph would comfort you, you'd feel better and fall back asleep again.

"How ya feelin' t'haday?"

"I feel quite good today, little itch now and then but I'm feeling much better."

"Well that's good t'ha know." He moved he chair beside you bedside.

He lifted your shirt a little. "Donnie changed it for ya?"

"Yeah earlier already."

Raphael was getting this mad feeling inside of him that'd keep pricking like a needle in his heart. He hated the fact that Donnie had to always look at you when he removed your shirt. It made him burn inside with fury.

What was going on with him? He never felt so possessive over you before. He wanted you all to himself and for no one to lay hands on you and then every time he held your hand or when you'd laugh or smile at him, he'd get this tingly feeling inside him that he never felt before in his whole life.

He wanted you to be close to him, just him touching your soft warm skin made him feel that way and he liked it. But hold on... Something isn't right here. Ever since you and Raph met, he'd seem to calm down a little, you'd rub off him.
He is a mutant turtle, how could he, a mutant, tough guy, fall in love with such a delicate beautiful human as yourself.

He just couldn't stop that feeling... He loved you... He loved you a lot. He decided from then, even if you never loved him back, he'd do anything and everything to protect you, be a friend, help you if you needed anything...
His feelings just went soft when he was around you...

His thoughts for cut off by you.
"Raph... Raphael??"

He looked at you not knowing you'd been constantly repeating his name to get his attention.

"Raph I'm cold." You say as you wrap your arms around yourself.

He looks around for a blanket but none in sight. "There ain't no blanket."

"Can you lie here? Next to me?" You asked.

He laid next to you and you turned to face his plastron and wrapped your arm around him.

His heart was pounding to your actions and he decided to put one arm around you and gently pull you closer.

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