chapter 2

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Five days after I had left the Shire, I rode along a cliff trail on the side of a mountain. My horse was tired and in need of a good rest. I rode him as hard as I dared to reach Lord Elrond as soon as possible. I had got caught in a rain storm during the night, causing me to look like a wet dog that just dragged himself out of a lake. My chestnut braid was coming undone and pieces of my hair had stuck to my face and neck. My clothes were damp and muddy and looked more brown than the grey and black they originally were. I pulled my hood over my head trying to keep some warmth within myself. As I rode around the bend in the trail, I stopped my horse and look across the valley before me. Nestled between mountains on a cliff overlooking a river, sat the house of Lord Elrond. Imladris. Or better known in the common tongue as Rivendell. Beautiful waterfalls flowed around it and a long stone bridge connected my side of the cliff to the courtyard. Trees of all colors surrounded and made themselves part of Rivendell.

I urged Bran forward and made my way to the bridge and crossed it. I rode into the small courtyard and dismounted. As I turned, an Elf, wearing fine purple robes and a circlet adorning his head, was walking almost regaly down the steps.

"Aldol, weary traveler. My name is Lindir. May I ask your business here?"

I bowed as gracefully as I could and replied,"My lord, I have a message from Mithrandir for Lord Elrond. It is of great importance that I see him as soon as possible."

"Of course, but I'm afraid Lord Elrond is in the middle of an important council. If you would like I can have a bath drawn up for you and some food served in your room until he can see to you."

"Le channon, my lord. I have been traveling for a long time and rest sounds most welcome."

I gave my horse to a stable hand and followed Lindir around the vast halls.

"This will be your room. The bath has already been prepared for you and I will send a maid with some food and a change of clothing if you wish."

"The food will do. I have an extra set of clothes with me, thank you."

"As you wish. I will send a guard to escort you to Lord Elrond when he is able to receive you." He started to walk away when he turned back around. "I'm afraid I did not ask for your name. Forgive me, it has been a long and tiring day and I'm afraid it had slipped my mind."

I smiled at him and said,"My name is Andriel. Do not worry yourself. I thought nothing of it."

"Thank you, Lady Andriel." With that said, he gave a small smile and walked slowly down the hall in the direction we had come. Turning to the door, I stepped inside my room and nearly sighed with relief when I saw the large bed in front of me. A slight breeze blew in from the large open balcony behind the bed. Soft airy curtains were draped across the top and down the sides of the windows. A light, wooden wardrobe and vanity sat against the wall to the left, and a door leading to the bathroom was to the right. A white porcelain bowl and pitcher sat on the night table next to the bed. I walked further into the room and noticed the carvings on the bed posts. Beautiful depictions of vines and flowers ran up the posts and across the head and foot board. I took off my cloak and hung it on a hook on the wall. Unstrapping my weapons, I layed them against the wall next to the wardrobe and walked into the bathroom. It was decorated much the same way. Only instead of a bed being the center piece, a large porcelain tub surrounded by rock slabs took up most of the wall in front of her. A small ledge sat within reach just above the lip of the tub, containing many different scented soaps and ointments to soften the skin and hair. I closed the door and started taking off my dirty clothes. I noticed that someone had left my pack in here for me. Once undressed I let my hair down from its messy braid and stepped into the tub. I could not help but groan as the warm water flowed over my tired body. I laid in the tub for a few moments and then washed my hair and body from the grime I had gotten while on the road. Once I was done, I stepped out of the tub and dried my body off with a soft towel. Grabbing another towel, I started to dry my hair as best as I could. I grabbed a comb once I had finished drying my hair and started combing the tangles out. I changed into a tunic that was light blue with a darker blue trim and a pair of black breeches. I cleaned up my boots as best as I could before I left the bathroom. When I stepped into my room, I saw a tray filled fruits and vegetables laying on the vanity. I grabbed an apple and walked onto the balcony as I took a large bite out of the apple. The soft wind played with my hair and blew it around my head.

Someone knocked on my door, breaking the peace that had surrounded me. I layer the half eaten apple onto the tray and opened the door. A guard stood on the other side.

"Lady Andriel, I was told to escort you to Lord Elrond."

He was tall and like all the other elves, quite handsome. He had chocolate brown hair that swept a little past his shoulders. Half of it was pulled back as a single intricate braid down the back. His light blue eyes stared back at me with a look that said 'Can we please get this over with?'.

"Oh yes. I am ready." I stepped out of my room and closed the door behind me. The guard started walking away and I had to quicken my pace in order to catch up with him. We walked through a maze of hallways before I finally found myself in front of a large, intricate open doorway. From what I could see from the doorway, it appeared to be quite large.

"Wait here, please, my lady."

I nodded my head and waited as he walked into the room. I heard soft voices and the footsteps returning my way. The guard walked up to me and said, "My Lord Elrond is ready to see you now." With that said he brushed past me and left me standing in the doorway.

"Come inside. There is no need to stand in the doorway."

I turned when I heard him speak. He was tall with rich red robes and an intricate circlet on his head. His hair was brown and ran almost to his waist. He had an air about him that spoke of wisdom and many hardships.

"I am sorry, my lord." I lowered my head in greeting and stepped into the large room. Books and maps of all kinds filled the room. Either they covered tables haphazardly, or they filled bookshelves all over the room.

"Lindir tells me you have come from Mithrandir." He turned and sat at a beautiful mahogany desk covered in parchments. "Please, have a seat." He gestured towards a chair that sat in front of his desk. I walked over and sank my myself onto the soft cushion.

"That's right, my lord. I have urgent news from him."

"That the Ring has been found." He stood from his chair and walked to the window. "Am I right?"

How did he know? "Yes, my lord."
He turned to me and chuckled at the expression of confusion on my face. "I have the gift of foresight. And the Lady Galadriel has been discussing this matter with me for some days now."

"I see. Then there is really no reason in me coming here."

"I would not be so hasty to say that. There will be a council held in weeks time. I feel that you should at least stay till Mithrandir returns."

I started to protest that I had to get back home but Lord Elrond spoke before I could. "You have had a long journey and I'm sure Mithrandir would like to see you before you leave. Please, stay and rest."

Should I stay? It has been many years since I have been among my kind. "I do not want to to be of any inconvenience, my lord."

"No inconvenience at all, I assure you. My daughter is here, and I am sure the two of you could be friends. You are safe here."

I'm not so sure of that. "Very well. But only until I see Mithrandir."

Lord Elrond' face broke out into a big grin. "Good. I must warn you though. My son's can be a bit overbearing at times."


I can't believe I'm actually going through with this y'all! Ok, so I'm going to try to do one chapter a day until I know when I start my college classes. Then I'll probably have to cut down on the amount of writing I do. Thanks to those reading this!
Disclaimer: I do not own any of the characters or locations mentioned except Andriel. The rest belong to J. R. R. Tolkien :)

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