chapter 13

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The sun had set long ago as we traveled to the heart of the Elven city. As we walked through on the paths, we gazed at the beauty that surrounded us. I forgot how much I had missed the calming and healing aura that filled you here. A soft blue glow emanated from the lamps hanging from tree branches along the path. Intricate stair cases wound around the giant Mallorn truncks, leading to talans (or flat areas built into a tree containing buildings) way above our heads. We made out way up the largest tree to a talan bigger and more intricate than the others. We huddled together in a small group. Pippin leaned against my side slightly from exhaustion as we stood there waiting for the Lord and Lady of the wood. A soft blue glow appeared at the head of the stairs in front of us, hiding the features of the two elegant beings standing at the top. The light dimmed softly as they made their way down towards us. I heard small gasps from the Hobbits at the Elves' beauty. The Ellon stood tall and intimidating; long silver hair was draped down his back, barely brushing the waist of his grey and silver robes. His piercing blue eyes stared at us with a calculating expression. His hand grasped the delicate hand of the Elleth standing next to him. While he was all silver, she was all golden light. Her dark blue eyes were framed by
cascading golden waves, and her skin was the fairest ivory. Her intense gaze scanned our group before landing on me. I expected to see surprise like everyone else that had seen me so far, but I only saw approval and relief.

"Ten there were that set out from Rivendell yet nine there are that are here," Celeborns voice broke through the suffocating silence. "Tell me, where is Gandalf, for I much desire to speak with him."

A fresh wave of grief and pain sliced through my heart at the mention of the old wizard's name. I lowered my head and allowed my hair to fall in my face, shielding my tears from everyone's view.

"He has fallen into shadow!" Galadriel gasped out. Realization and grief was evident in her eyes before she quickly hid it with an impassive look. "The quest stands upon the edge of a knife. Stray but a little and it will fail, to the ruin of Man."

A heavy silence once again fell on the group as Galadriel looked at each of them in turn. By the way they reacted, I would guess that she was speaking to them through their minds. Boromir especially seemed to take whatever she said to heart. He gasped and starting shaking as sweat rolled down his face. I felt her haze on me as I looked down towards the ground, hoping that she wouldn't say anything to me.

It has been a long time, Andriel. Your powers have grown. The more they grow, the harder it will be to hide yourself from the enemy.

I sighed as I lifted my head to look into her eyes.

Trust your friends, child. You will need them when the enemy starts to close in.

The mind link broke between us as she looked away towards the group. "Do not let your hearts be troubled. Go now and rest, for you are weary with sorrow and much toil." She let a beautiful smile slip onto her face at her words. "Tonight, you will sleep in peace."


We were led to a group of tents set up on the forest floor. Cots were placed in the tents with clean soft blankets, and a water fountain trickled in the center of our camp. One by one, we each made our way towards our tents and set our bags down. Gimli immediately threw himself on his bed and started snoring softly. Walked to the farthest tent took the cot by the door. I set my bag down on the ground next to it and examined my hands. Dirt was caked under my nails and blood and grime had stained my hands a dark color.


I dropped my hands to my sides and turned my head to see Legolas standing at the entrance.

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