chapter 3

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The next day I rose at dawn as usual. I changed into my usual plain grey tunic and black breeches with my black boots. I grabbed my cloak and strapped my bow and quiver to my back. Two daggers were strapped to my thighs and another was nestled in the lining of my right boot. I pulled my hair back and braided it, from the top of my crown all the way down to the ends where it brushed past my hip bone. A few unruly curls escaped the tight braid around my face. I looked in the mirror and stared at my face. Chestnut hair framed a heart-shaped face and light green eyes. The mouth is small but has plump naturally red lips. Growing up, many people told me that I look like my mother; soft and gentle.

I sighed and turned from the mirror. I needed to vent some of my frustration. I am already starting to feel cooped up. I walked out of my room and started down the hall. I hope I can find an archery range in this confusing place. After what seemed like forever, I ran into my fifth dead end. "You have got to be kidding me!" Huffing, I put my hands on my hips and glared at the wall in front of me.

"I'm assuming by the way you are glaring at the wall that you are lost, am I right?"

I jumped and spun around to find the source of the voice. I stared at the Elf standing in front of me. Once again, he was tall. Long brown hair fell loosely down his back, and he was wearing what looked to be like training gear, only slightly fancy in the make. He must be of a high rank. And what is with this place and brown hair!?

"Now I know I'm handsome but really, there's no need to stare." I snapped out of my trance and glared at the mischievous glimpse in his eyes.

"I wasn't staring. I always make an assessment of people that I have just met."

He took a step closer. "And what did you find about me."

"That you are of high rank, you are a great warrior, you are a trickster, and that you have recently been training."

A look of confusion and surprise flashed across his face before he quickly hid it. "And may I ask how you knew all of that?"

"It is quite easy once you figure it out. Your clothes, while made of comfortable and sturdy material, is made from a rich cloth and is decorated like that of someone with a high rank. Your weapons are well taken care of; signifying someone that is well trained and takes pride in his weapons. You have a certain look in your eyes, one that I know well from my childhood, that says you enjoy playing practical jokes. I know you have been recently training because you have a few leaves in your hair and dirt all over your breeches. Is it clear to you now, my lord?"

"Well, aren't you the attentive one?" He stated while pulling the leaves out of his hair. "As it so happens, you are right on all of those accounts. My name is Elladan son of Elrond, my lady." He held out his hand to me.

Well, that explains his uncanny resemblance to Lord Elrond. "Andriel." I placed my hand in his, and he placed a gentle kiss on my knuckles as his blue eyes bore into mine. Butterflies erupted in my stomach and a tingle went down my arm. I tore my hand from his and looked away. What was that? Oh,please don't let me be blushing!

He straightened and said with a smirk plastered on his face, "Perhaps I could be of assistance to you. Where were you headed if I may ask?"

"To the archery range. Could you point me in the right direction?"

"I will do better than that. Allow me to escort you there, Lady Andriel." He extended his arm with a dramatic bow and flourish.

A small grin slipped onto my face. "There is no need in that. Just give me the directions and I won't bother you any longer."

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