Sam 01

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"Mom, I'm heading out to Stacy's house! Bye!" I grabbed my duffle bag off the couch and got into my car. I started the engine and pulled out of the driveway.

I had Stacy covering for me while I went to Sam and Dean Winchester's house for the night. Sam said he had a case for us, so it wasn't a new thing.

My hunting stuff was under the bottom of my trunk like in the Impala. I had everything. A sawed off shotgun filled with salt rounds, a demon knife that looked like Ruby's knife and did the exact same thing, stakes, silver knife, a handgun filled with silver bullets, dead man's blood, so much salt it would blow your freaking mind, two gallons of lighter fluid, a lighter, and anything else a hunter could possibly want or need.

How did I get caught up in this whole hunting thing? That was Sam Winchester. He saved me from a poltergeist at my school that was hellbent on ridding me of this earth. They ganked the bitch and all went on as normal. Except I asked them to teach me the 'Family Business.'

Dean didn't want to teach me at first, seeing as it was "The Family Business" and "Outsiders aren't a part of that." Sam and I eventually wore him down and they taught me. That was years and years ago, back when we were all in junior high.

Since then, I had saved my mom from several kinds of monsters without her knowledge. If she did find out, that wouldn't really be the part she would flip out over. She would flip out that I was doing all this with a couple of boys.

I let out the sigh I hadn't realized I had been holding in and drove to the bunker. You see, I live in Lawrence, Kansas, so it isn't that long of a drive to get to that bunker of theirs.

I pulled onto the side of their 'driveway' and got out. I strode over to the bunker door and unlocked it with my copy of the key that Sam so graciously gave to me. I shoved the door open and looked around.

The room was surprisingly empty. "Sam? Dean? Where the hell are you too? Castiel? Get your feathery ass over here and explain where the boys are!" No answer. "I will call Gabriel here, I swear to God-"

I was cut off by Castiel saying, "Don't use my father's name in vain."

I turned and glared at him. "Shut up. Where's Sam?"

Sam popped out from behind a bookshelf. "Right here." I now fixed my glare on him.

"Are we going on the job or what?" Sam nodded. "Okay. Get a move on. Bring lore and fill me in on the drive."

"This is a bit of a different kind of job. Come with me." I followed Sam obediently to wherever the hell he was taking me.

He suddenly stopped when we were quite a ways through the confusing maze of hallways. He turned to me, his cheeks dusted with a slight pink. "What is it Sam? Are you running a fever?" I placed an arm on his forehead. Nope. It wasn't warm like a fever.

"I'm not running a fever Y/N." His cheeks went darker. He suddenly leaned down and kissed me. Right on the lips.

My eyes widened in shock. Eventually a melted into the kiss. I had always loved Sam since he saved me. I wrapped my arms around his neck and got into my tippy toes so he didn't have to bend down quite so far.

We broke away after what seemed like forever. I was panting from the lack of breath. "I love you." Sam said.

I smiled at him and tucked the hair that had fallen in his face behind his ear. "I love you too my darling Moose."

"Hey! That's my name for Sam, Kitten." I heard a familiar accent say.

"Deal with it." I said and kissed Sam again.

Crowley grumbled something. "Well they kissed. Can we please stop acting like a bunch of schoolgirls by hiding and giggling?" A bunch of bangs could be heard, and lying in a heap on the ground was Dean, Castiel, Kevin, Charlie, and Bobby.

Sam and I shook our heads at them. "Couldn't you have let us be to have our first kiss?"

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