Gabriel 05

162 3 0

((First request ever! Heartfelt!Reader in the style of Changing Channels. I also added an archangel because I had no idea what else to do with this.))

{Changing Channels}

I looked out the window of the Impala. Sam was driving for once and Dean was passed out in the passenger seat. But right now, I could care less about the boys.

Love. The absolute one thing I've been wanting to find for forever. I just want someone to hold me. Someone to care for me and love me.

I let out a sigh. "Y/N, you okay?" Sam asked. He didn't even turn to me when he asked it. Sam and I have been through a lot together. The Mystery Spot specifically. We both remember Dean dying over and over and over again. What Sam doesn't know though, is as soon as Dean died, Sam dropped dead then the day started over.

Now this trickster, he seemed odd. Like he had way too much power to be a trickster. He was adorable though. Honey eyes with matching hair. What was not to love?

The case we were headed to screamed 'trickster' to me. The boys didn't believe me when I said it though. That was, until we actually got there. When we did, there was a woman who had seen The Hulk kill her husband. Their house had a whole where the door was supposed to be three times my size in all directions. Probably even three times Sam's size in all directions.

So we followed the clues. A police radio told us to head to a warehouse, so we did. And Sam and Dean were gone.

I was in a show I liked when I was a bit younger called Psych. It appears I am Sean and Gus's friend, also a 'psychic.' Except, there was something odd about Sean. He wasn't exactly riding a motorcycle places, tormenting Gus at work, or reference the Supernatural books while talking to the Chief.

I got him alone and shoved him against the wall. "You aren't Sean, so who are you? Are you the Trickster? Get on with it before I stab the life out of you!" He chuckled and his face morphed back to that of the Tricksters.

"So you found me out. Good job. You know what you are right? The archangel Daniel's True Vessel. Lucifer's right hand man. Just give in Y/N. Play the role you were given since the dawn of time!" He exclaimed.

That hurt. That hurt me in my heart and I had no clue why. My heartbeat was fast and there were butterflies in my stomach. Was this love? For the Trickster?

"What are you really that you care so much about this?" His honey eyes looked to the floor when I said this.

"You wouldn't understand."

That's when it dawned on me. He cared so much about it because it was his family. That pained look on his face that pained me could only come from somebody talking about their own family. "You're an angel aren't you?" His eye widened. Appears I hit the nail on the head.

"Why in your father's name did I have to fall in love with an angel?!" I clapped my hands over my mouth. There was no way he would love me back right? The thing I have been longing for is just going to have to wait for someone who truly cares and loves me the same.

"No wonder I can't read your thoughts..." He mused. He looked deep in thought.

"What angel are you?"


"The archangel? You're kidding right?"

He shook his head. "No joke sweet cheeks. Gabriel the archangel in the flesh."

An uncontrollable urge came over me to either slap him or kiss him. I ended up slapping him. "Who's side are you on you big bag of dicks?!"

"Ooh. That's a good one. Might use that insult on the Winchester's later."

"Tell me! Are you on the angel's side, or are you with the humans? Are you pro Apocalypse or not?"

"I'm on nobody's side sweetheart. I'm on the side that ends this family argument. If it happens to kill a few billion people, it's not my problem."

I felt a pang in my chest when he said this. "You would let over seven billion innocent people die over a petty family argument?! How could you be so selfish? How could you-"

I was cut off when a pair of lips crashed into mine. They were warm and soft lips. They belonged to an angel that I have come to love. My eyes widened at first, but eventually a sunk into the kiss. Finally, we both pulled away for my human need for oxygen.

"What was that for?" I asked between breaths.

"You talk too much. Even when we encountered each other the last time. Mystery Spot was it?" He answered.

"Yeah." It fell silent.

"Why am I falling in love with a simple human?" He mused.


"Oh? You heard that? Then I guess sweet cheeks, you will enjoy this little thing I'm gonna do to you." Then he kissed me again, and I finally found the person that would love me and cuddle me for the rest of my days. He may be a feathery asshole, but he is my feathery asshole.


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