A One Piece fanfiction (a zoro lovestory)

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                                          A One Piece fanfiction (a Zoro Love story)

XXXX DISCLAIMER!!!!!! I Own nada!!!!! The original characters all go to the maker of the manga/anime of One piece Except MY character. Also the title I can't think of one so if you have ideas feel free to tell me. ^_~! Also I recommend you watch One Piece before you read this. XXXX

Taken place the morning after they escape the G-8 Arc (episode 196-206), but before the Davvy back fight (ep. 207-219)

New Character description:

Name: Luna .D MikI, real name: no 

Birth name: to be revealed

Family: unknown

Looks: Layered shoulder-blade long blonde hair w/blackends (originally has dark black hair, but she dyed it so they couldn't find her. But for some reason the ends won't go blonde), one scar on her upper right breast, wears a black bikini top, or green tank top, dark blue leather jacket and black shorts w/ a compartment belt.

Main Weapons: a tanto knife that can turn in to a katana strapped to her left thigh,

Devils fruit power (?): Disappear fruit or Kieh Kieh no mi

Other: Was injected with mysterious fluid when she was a baby, which confuses the sea god so she can swim in the ocean for 1 minute. (IN Her human form, in her true form she can swim along as she wants, but what is her true form? you'll have to read and find out,

                                                                        Chapter One

I was falling. Crap! I was getting in over my head when I grabbed on to the Giant bird that was flying above me while I escaping, after I attacked and stole from a pirate ship. I was checking my bag, it had at least 25,000,000 bellies in it, and I thought I had hit the jackpot but the stupid bird had let me go. Damn! I thought. It was at least a 50 foot drop; even with my abnormal healing ability it would take 4 days at the least for my wounds to heal good enough to go from this height, if I was lucky and landed on a boat and I prayed that it was friendly one, but if I were to just fall into ocean, well if were ordinary I would be fucked. Hey at least the sky is pretty... 

But little did I know that the sea lord was in a merciful and there was a ship passing beneath me.

Meanwhile on the Going Merry...

"Oi, Sanji is the food ready yet?" whined Luffy.

"Hold on Luffy it's almost done! Here you go Nami-Swan, Robin- chawn!" The cook replied back, "Here you go bastards!!" he said to those who were men.

"Thanks!!!! Umee!!!!(Delicious)" Said the captain unaffected by what Sanji said.

"What did you say you ero cook!!" the green haired Swordsman said.

"Do you wanna go? You baka marimo!!!" Replied Sanji. They glared at each other.

"Stop it you two!" Nami yelled, while smacking them both on the head.

"Even the mad Nami-san is cute!" Sanji said. Suddenly there was a "thump" noise outside and every one rushed outside to the deck.

I groaned in pain when i hit the deck, I heard a nasty crack and I felt dizzy.I laid there for a while trying to stop the world from spinning then reluctantly sat up to check if there was anything wrong. Immediately I hissed in pain and glanced down. Damn, I thought. My side had a deep gash, and a few ribs were peeking out. Carefully I touched them and I winced. They were definitely broken. Shakily I stood up and the world started to spin again. My hand went to my head in an attempt to stop it, but instead I felt something sticky. I looked at it and sighed. I started limping towards the door while cradling my wound.The world did not cease to spin, and black spots invaded my vision. The door swung open, I quickly jumped back the best as I could with broken ribs, my wound screamed at me and the blood didn’t stop. I drew my dagger from my thigh, just incase. Then a frightening green haired man, with murderous intent stood at the door with his swords unsheathed He looked around searching for the intruder until he saw me and narrowed his eyes at my dagger. He charged without hesitation, and my flight or fight instincts came in. I flipped backwards with one hand and quickly extended my dagger to block his two swords. Crap! My vision was starting to become blurry and the dark spots were starting to grow. This guy was really strong. Then six more people came out from the door. A man with a straw hat and a scar under his eye, two women one with black hair the other with orange hair, a blonde haired man with curly eyebrows, a long nosed man with curly back hair and a small blue nosed raccoon dog?

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