Chapter 4

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     We all head down stairs for to our rooms. It's apartment style living with separate dorms, I guess you could call them, for guys and girls. There is room to separately house 40 people, in case there is any emergency that ever comes up around here.
     It's the same everywhere we go. There are usually about 12 rooms that are designed to be a little more welcoming for kids like us who travel around in bands like family.
     Well, I say like family but they are my only family. I  always have my bags packed because I expect us to get into a fight. I had just begun to consider unpacking this morning, because we all began to love this place, but I wouldn't change a thing about today.
     I can't stop thinking about Robert and how he discovered his powers today, but is already so strong. I never even picked up on him. With that much power, it gives me shivers. He is so lucky to welcomed with his mom and family.
     The only thing I need to pack into my bag is one picture. It's of me, Bing, Libra and Queen it a simple black frame. We all barely knew each other back then. Me and Bing hit it off right away, but me and Libra had some tension. We were both too unsure of the other to open up and always wary of outsiders, but when we did our family grew. And now it includes Ginette and Gorilla.
     Still thinking about Robert, I pretend like that's the only family I have. But right under that picture is one of my blood family. Everytime I look at it I cry. It's not like they are dead or anything, but I guess I better explain it.
     There are 7 of us. My loving parents in the back. They are very cliche. My dad is goofy and has the sole purpose of embarrassing me everywhere we go, or went. I still smile as I think about it. Then my mom is also cliche. She taught me how to brush my hair and pull it up and tell me to stand up for what I believe in even if I am standing alone.  I would ask for advice and she would tell me to just be myself. I always took her words to heart,  which it probably why I love this so much.
     Then I have two older sisters, a younger sister and a younger brother.
I wanted to do everything just like my older sisters and got frustrated when my little sister would do things and act like me. Then my little brother is something else. He must take after my dad, very outgoing and goofy. It makes me smile when I think of us all young, but we all have to get into the agency somehow.
     My little sister was possesed, but none of us really knew what it was. Only for a few hours was she possesed but it felt like years. It started with my little brother crying, like really crying not his usual kid crying where he is tired or something. He came downstairs and my mom looked at him, but could immediately tell his arm was broken. He said my little sister did it. Horrified my mom called her down and asked her.
     She... she gave a wicked grin and said he had been too close to her side of the room. Our eyes met as she turned to go back upstairs, but it wasn't her eyes and I could feel the evil radiating off her. My mom tried to call the police, but the phone wires had been cut, which the wires to do that were upstairs. Immediately after you could here her cackle.
     My mom was crying when she took my brother into the bedroom where my dad and older sisters were. Soon they were all crying and my heart was broken. I thought my little sister must be dead somewhere and the rest of my family mourning her as something walked in her skin. That's when she walked by, and we all cowered back. The ground seemed to shake as she got closer and said we have one hour to give her another victim or she would take us all. Laughing she went back up, leaving my mom crying even harder.
     About 50 minutes later, our hushed talking had got us no where and I snuck out. Ever since I can remember I could sense them, I didn't even have a name for them yet, but I could always dispell the bad ones. I thought it's worth a shot. I couldn't stand my family broken like this, not for one more minute.
      I ran upstairs to find her waiting right at the top. She started talking about how she knew I would be picked, or something like that but the only thing I was doing was focusing on the black mass I felt earlier. Not knowing how to send off waves to it, I reached out and grabbed my sisters arms. Thinking only of that presence I pulled back with everything I had, and I could here my family at the bottom of the stairs. This black shadow came with my hands and my sister fell to the ground coughing. The shadow came at my face, then into it and I felt it push my spirit to the right side of my body. It smiled until it realized I was still completely there.
     We somehow fell down the stairs and I heard my mom gasp. But I wasn't injured, probably because I was possesed. I began to feel my anger and fear that this thing might tear apart my family. Then I felt this warmth coming from me, then it was hot then a burning inferno.
     I took my right hand and grabbed my left wrist. With that fire I ripped the shadow from me and a white light came from both my hands into the shadow. Who seemed to catch fire from it, then burst like a firework.
    I felt like a hero. I was able to protect the things closest to me. We had one. I had followed my mother's advice and been myself as I stood up for what I believed in. I remember thinking in that moment that nothing could bring this moment down; That this is victory.
      Until I looked up. My family, including my little sister who seemed fine, thanks goodness, was all together, staring at me, but not with joy at all. With fear that brought tears to their eyes more than the fear of that dark shadow. I was broken, completely shattered. I grabbed a bag and some clothes then a simple black frame with a picture of my whole world inside. A world that I just destroyed.
     Not soon enough, did I find the girls, then the agency found me. For a while I was convinced I was a monster worse then the dark shadow, which I was later informed was a low level demon and whether it is actually dead or back to where it came from neither I nor the agency knows. As for that power, they had never heard of someone grabbing a demon and never ever since then will I try to summon that power again. I am good with what I have. I like the waves, plus other people can tap into them.
     Anyway, that's why I always love to see when families are together like Roberts and why I love my new family so much. I still can't figure out why I didn't sense him though. The power has been so off lately I am begining to think maybe he could've just gained so much power. That doesn't make sense either though. My room is packed and I am sure Libra is at least close to done and has more fine tuned senses than me. So I made my way to her room.
     Thinking hard, I knock on the door. I think I heard "It's open" so I walk into the doorway.
"Hey chicka wazzup?" Libra says as she finishes packing.
"Checking on you. Did you ever pick up on Robert?" I say as I try to wake up from my thoughts.
"...No. I mean I never had physical contact with him, but... that... that much power I should have felt it. That was demon level, if not more. I... I should have felt that just being in the same room as him. Anger amplifies power. We all know this... but that..." she takes a breath as she sits down shaking her head. "That was more than amplified. That, that was just... just..."
"Raw power," I say realizing we are both stumped.
"Yeah," she nods and looks up, all too seriously for us to actually start helping people. This is a happy occasion.
"Esspecially since he just found his abilities." I sit down next to her and nudge her with my elbow. "So Bing said you threw Daniel." Yes, a much happier conversation.
She snorts and says "Well more like pinned him and threatened his life and soul, but he kinda deserved it. F***ing idiot."
"And I'm the blonde devil?" I question if our nicknames are wrongly choosen.
"Yes. You are." She says so matter of factly. "I don't kick people in the shins then run away. That's just downright evil."
Oh, yes that's my favorite. I laugh thinking about how much I have to restrain from doing that. "And yet you threatened someone's soul?"
"What's new? I threaten souls all the time. This is nothing new."
"Whatever you say walking dictionary." Oh our nicknames always the best.
She roles her eyes as I walk out. I guess I am going to miss this place. But I am ready to start this chapter of our lives. I am ready to save people and to stand up for what I believe in again. We won't be outcasts anymore, or monsters, or feared by good people, only by the evil SOBs.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 16, 2016 ⏰

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