I Have Multiple Sclerosis (MS) Why me?

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Before a half an hour, Alex come with the results of my tests, and her face notice something's wrong with me in my both arms and hands.

"Beauty, you have an autoinmune and degenerative disease called

Multiple Sclerosis (MS), also known as disseminated sclerosis or encephalomyelitis disseminata, is an inflammatory disease in which the insulating covers of nerve cells in the brain and spinal cord are damaged. This damage disrupts the ability of parts of the nervous system to communicate resulting in a wide range of signs and symptoms including:

physical, mental, and sometimes psychiatric problems.

MS takes several forms, with new symptoms either occurring in isolated attacks (relapsing forms) or building up over time (progressive forms).

Between attacks, symptoms may go away completely; however, permanent neurological problems often occur, especially as the disease advances. You have a genetiches predisposition to this disease, that meanings is genetical one of the members of your family had this disease and now all the stress you have, the intestinal perforation and the typhod fever act like a stricker".

And a lot of tears cover my face, what i suppose to be, what i suppose to react? My future is inciert especially in the FBI, maybe i can talk to the people but when this degenerative disease manifestate maybe in a case and i can't be a supportive part to others and i want have childs and i know we can but without our treatments. What i suppose to be if i can't doing the same things especially like i'll do with the person i love my Spency. And if i have episodes...Who's gonna take care of my sons? Maybe my supportive lover Spence.

Spencer's POV:

I hearing all the Dr. Alex Dexter talk to my beauty kiddo, my beauty blonde. "Don't worry dear, i'm here for you and i don't leave you alone. And if you can't have kiddos we're gonna adoptive them. What do you think beauty blonde?"

-And a pretty shine cover her wonderfull blue eyes.

"I think is an excellent idea, but all i want is have kiddos in a future with you. A lot of smart childs like you running around mommy and daddy".

"Obviously with the treatmet to Multiple Sclerosis prescriber base for Genzyme's Aubagio Among U.S. Neurologists Has Increased Significantly at Six Months Post-launch, Compared to One and Three Months Post-launch. We're gonna make studies after you'll take this medicaments ok. And if you want have babies you can have all you wants cause all the cases i know of mommies with MS her childs are healthies and they don't have the predisposition to present this disease like her mother in this case and i need to know when you want to have childs to stop the medicaments".

Dr. Alex Dexter talk to us and she is so sweetie with my blonde, case this confortate to her a lot especially in this moment when she needs a lot of support and care especially from my part cause i'm her boyfriend and her best friend forever.

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