She doesn't get it

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Miranda's pov

Jason comes home from the station. "Hey how was work?" I ask, setting a plate of food on the table for him. Then I notice his hands wrapped in gauze! "Jay, what happened?" I ask worried. "A pipe busted in a building we were in. It got my hands but..... It got Davis way worse." He says, sitting down with a sigh. "Is Davis gonna be okay?" "I don't know."

*the next day*

Jason's pov

I go to the hospital where Davis is. His face got badly burned from the steam. I walk down to his room and there's a nurse in there. I'm debating on going in there. "What's wrong?" Another nurse asks. "I don't know... I might come back later." "It's alright. She's almost done." I walk in and a few minutes later the nurse leaves. I force a smile as Davis opens his eyes. "Hey man." I say, sitting beside his bedside. "They said..... They said they gave me skin from a dead man." That sends shivers down my spine. "Are you gonna be okay?" "Doc says I'll make a full recovery but Carol said she wanted to bring the kids up. I don't want them to see me like this." Tears fall from his eyes. I stare at the floor sadly, wishing I could help. "Kids don't get over somethin' like this!" I look up at him, thinking of something! "Wait, man, I got an idea. Just tell them you were doing it to save people. You were being a hero. It was brave what you did man." "But isn't that technically a lie? Since there wasn't no people?" "Yeah but we didn't know there wasn't. We were looking for people. That was our whole reason to be in there." "Thanks man." "No problem. Get better soon buddy, the station is lonely without you." And Dennis. But I keep my mouth shut about that. I get to the station. Mike walks out and fills a cup of coffee. "How's Davis?" He asks. "He'll make a full recovery." All of us on this team have become like family.... Well except me and Vick.... We're still not too close. I shrug it off and walk passed the bathroom where John is washing the sink and Vick walks in and yells at him for not putting the toilet paper on the holder. I glare at him annoyed the whole time. After he goes into the stall, I put a finger to my lips and grab a newspaper. I light it and sneak it under the stall. I hear him freaking out and I bust out laughing. "Who's the wise guy?" He snaps, stomping it out angrily. Me and John leave the bathroom. "That was awesome! How'd you come up with that?" He says. I laugh "Let's just say I was in your place at one time. Vick's an ass to all the rookies. Just talk to Den-" But I catch myself. "Never mind." "What is it?" "I was.... I.... Just forget about it. That brave man taught me everything he knew." I say, walking away. Man, I miss Dennis so much. My phone rings. Miranda. I answer it. "Hey Jay, you coming home tonight?" She asks. I glance around the station. "I.... Don't know for sure." "Well tomorrow is the appointment to tell what gender the baby is, you're coming right?" I sigh and lower the phone. "Hey Mike," I call. "He walks over. "Tomorrow's the baby's appointment, you mind if I get away?" "Ok but if I call ya in, you'll have to come. We're short with Davis being gone." I nod. "Will do, man." I head home. She hugs me. "Yay, you could make it." "Yeah but if I get called in, I'm gonna have to jet." I warn her. She smiles. "I know. But you're here now and that's what matters."

*the next day*

I pocket my phone and clip my radio to my belt. Just in case, they need me. "Ready?" She asks. I nod and smile. I grab her hand and help her out of my truck. She's seven months pregnant. We go inside and wait for our name to be called. "If it's a girl, let's name her Kayla." She says, laying her head on my shoulder. I smile and tilt her chin up and kiss her. "What if it's a boy?" I ask. "I don't know. We'll burn that bridge if we come to it." She jokes. I laugh and wrap an arm around her. "Jason, come in! We need help! Fifth avenue!" Mike yells over my radio. Oh shoot. I stand up. "I'm sorry honey I've gotta go." "What?! But the baby?" "I'll see it when we get home!" "Jason what's more important your family or your job?" She's pissed now. "Baby they're like family to me and if I'm not there to help someone could die. I don't want to have another Dennis to think about." She starts crying. "I'm sorry honey." I hug her and rush out the door.

Miranda's pov

I clench my fists and sit back down, tears raining down my face. Just then our names are called. I sigh and walk up. "Where's Jason?" "He got called in to work." "That brave man. I roll my eyes.


I'm having a baby girl and now I'm waiting for Jason. He comes back home, holding his arm. "What? Are you okay?" I cry. He nods. "Just.... Burned my arm." He says, wincing.

Jason's pov

It was either that or Mike would've been killed. A slab of cement fell at him. I caught it and fell against a burning pile of wood. If I didn't go, Mike, my closest friend would be dead. It's what she doesn't get. And it ticks me off. "Hey Jason, we're having a little girl." She whispers. My eyes go wide. "Really?" She nods. I walk over and hug her, a hand on her stomach. "I can't wait to meet you, Kayla." I kiss my wife proudly.

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