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Jason's pov

I kick through the wall and drag myself into the room. It's much more breathable. "Mike?" "Yeah?" "I made it through the wall." "Yes! I knew you could. They're on their way." I lay on my back exhausted, I think my leg is broken too. I shakily sit up and scream in pain. I did something to my back in the fall. "Hey Jason, hang in there. We found the way. It should be right through the window." I attempt to pull myself up and there is a window. My body tenses up in horror.

Vick's pov

We pull hard on the big bay door, straining against it's weight. "Come on!" We get it through and gushes of flames shoot out and we can't get through.

Jason's pov

Mike tries to reach me on the walkie but I'm too shocked. The whole room in front of me is blazing. I can't even see passed it. Then the horrible realization takes hold. I'm not making it out of here. Mike is still trying to reach me. I sit back down and pick up the radio, fighting back tears that come anyway. "Mike, just pull 'em out man. There's no way they'll get through."

Mike's pov

I lower the radio. I can't believe it. I can't save him. "Hey Mike you still there?" His voice is strained. "Yeah, man, I'm here." I cover my eyes as tears fall down my face. "It's annoying. I die like a damn rookie." I force a laugh and sob at the same time. "Don't man. Please don't. Just... Take care of them for me Mike. And tell Miranda I loved her the moment I laid eyes on her in that grocery store... Now.... I can properly thank Dennis for bringing us together. Do this for me Mikey." "I will man, I promise. I'll take care of them. God, Jason!"

Jason's pov

I fall onto my back, the room filling with smoke. "Goodbye Mike."

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