Chapter 10

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Hermione's P.O.V

I woke up as early as I could so I wouldn't come face to face with Malfoy. I was not in the mood to talk to him. I got dressed and walked out my room. Before I knew it I had bumped into him, face-first. I growled under my breath. "Good morning" I said, forcefully and began to walk away but he stopped me. "If you tell anyone, anyone, about yesterday, I will make sure the whole school knows about your little hidden secret with Weasley. Now stay away from me Mudblood!" He spat. I was shocked. I wasn't planning on spilling anything, I glared at him as he walked out of the dorms, I hate him! but suddenly i felt a sharp pain in my neck and screamed, I fell onto the floor and it felt like knives were slicing through me. Then everything went black.

When Hermione woke up she couldn't understand where she was, She remembered what happened.  She looked around, she was at The Burrow. Molly Weasley was shuffling towards her. "Oh Hermione dear, you're awake! Listen to me very carefully, What happened back at Hogwarts was your change, this will happen whenever you're angry, extremely frustrated or upset until you learn to control your emotions, I'm sorry I have kept this a secret for so long but there's a lot more, You are related to Tom Riddle, Don't ask me how i know this, It was Dumbledore who informed me. Your parents hid in the muggle world, pretending to be muggles so that you would not be found, or killed. Your parents asked Dumbledore to convine the Sorting hat to put you in Gryffindor. I'm telling you this now because at Hogwarts, now that the war is over you all will be re-sorted into your true houses, some of you might have changed and some of you not. Your parents were also in Slytherin, many years back" she finished, looking at Hermione pitifully. Hermione stared at Molly Weasley with her mouth open, that was a lot to take in. "Now, You should really look at yourself in the mirror" She remarked. Hermione stood up and gasped in awe. Her brown bushy hair was now straight and naturally blonde! She got a bit taller and her eyes were a dark green with her natural brown swirling through them. "What.. happened?" she asked. "You were under a glamour, a sort of spell that prevented your true self to appear, I am unsure why it decided to make its appearance now, Hermione I am truly sorry, You were too young, we only wanted to protect you, please understand." She explained. Hermione nodded, not knowing what else to say. She had to think carefully about what to do with this information.

After a while it was time for her to return to Hogwarts. Hermione was told that everyone was at the great hall, so that's where she went. She was late, Dumbledore was giving a speech, so when she walked through the doors, all that could be heard were her shoes on the floor. She suddenly felt self-conscious of herself. All eyes were on her. She was aware of people whispering, she glanced over at all the tables, one by one, she noticed Draco Malfoy's eyes trailing her, for the first time. She went red. But then realized, she didn't look like herself at all, nobody knew who she was! This gave her more confidence and she strode over to the Gryffindor table and sat down next to Harry and smirked at Ron who was staring at her wildly. She turned her attention back to Dumbledore, who gave her a concerned smile.

The Headmaster cleared his throat "You all have proved yourselves after the Great war last year, So you shall be sorted once more. Some of you might stay in your current houses, but others will not." He nodded at Professor McGonnagall and went to sit down. The same way she did every year, she lifted up the sorting hat and said "When I call out your name, You will come and I shall place the sorting hat on your head to find out in which house you rightfully belong"

"Zabini, Blaise SLYTHERIN!"

"Weasley, Ronald GRYFFINDOR!"

"Potter, Harry GRYFFINDOR!"

"Chang, Cho HUFFLEPUFF!"

"Malfoy, Draco SLYTHERIN!"

"Weasley, Ginevra GRYFFINDOR!"

"Thomas, Dean RAVENCLAW!"........

"and finally, "Granger, Hermione" there was a long pause "SLYTHERIN!" Nobody clapped, nobody cheered. They couldn't believe their ears, As Hermione made her way to the Slytherin table not daring to look at her friends, she bit her lip as she sat next to a boy whom she didn't know.

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