Part Seven - St Mungo's

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Lily's brown eyes open reluctantly a week after her admittance to St Mungo's hospital. Her family is gathered around her bedside, fingers brushing against the pristine sheets in anticipation. They gasp as the child awakens, cheers of joy erupting from the misery looming over the room.

"Can I have some water?" Lily croaks, chapped lips rubbing together uncomfortably as she speaks.

Harry nods and pours her a glass, his hands shaking as he passes it over. Tears shine in his green eyes, and Lily manages a feeble smile. A petite blonde girl is hovering at the end of Lily's bed. She looks uncertain whether she should be where she is or not. Lily signals for her to come closer.

"What's your name?" She asks, gulping down the cool water.

"Chloe Dumbledore." She says bashfully, hiding her face under her silky hair.

"Dumbledore? You must be a relative..."

"Of Aberforth's?" Chloe interrupts, beaming. "He's my grandfather." Lily nods in awe. Who knew that he would have a child? Ginny is shocked by this news too. The attention turns away from Lily - which she is grateful for - towards Chloe Dumbledore instead. Lily takes the time to circle her ankles, her wrists and her neck. Gradually the blood is circulating around her body and she feels awake.

"If it hadn't been for Chloe, we probably wouldn't have found you!" Hugo retorts. Lily raises and eyebrow to her saviour.

"Is that true?"

Chloe nods, cheeks blazing, and plays with the hem of her skirt.

"I-I was going to the changing room, you see... to f-find you. M-My friend told me you had quidditch practise and I wanted to wish you good luck. G-good thing I messed up the times, eh?" She chuckles softly. Lily beams and pats her arm in thanks. There is a knock at the door, and a dozen faces turn to look at it. Lily swallows as she recognises her guests. Her throat turns dry once again, heart pounding heavily in her chest.

"Why, if it isn't my favourite little menace, Lily Potter." Draco Malfoy says plainly, eyeing up the scar on Lily's neck. Pride glistens in his eyes, and she knows that he doesn't forgive her for threatening his son that day. Scorpius is hiding behind his fathers legs in wolf form, teeth bared. 

They are not the ones that made Lily so scared though.

Just behind the silver-haired wolf stands Twyla, head tilted to the side as if she cannot comprehend the situation. Her face is blank, like a doll's, her hair lifeless and black just as it was when she met Lily for the first time.

"Ah, yes. Twyla. Come and say hello to Miss Potter." Draco orders, snapping his fingers impatiently. Harry sucks in a breath of anticipation, as if he is waiting for something.

What are you all doing? Lily screams internally. She's insane! She'll kill me!

Twyla slinks over to the bedside, head alternating sides, eyes piercing forwards. Neither smile nor grimace nor frown is present on her face. It is empty. "Hello. My name is Twyla Malfoy. Pleasure to meet you, Lily Potter." She extends a hand.

Lily flinches away.

"It's okay, you know." Scorpius says, having now transformed. "They wiped her memories clean. She doesn't even know who you are, let alone that she once wanted to you know... off you." He smirks. Lily recalls when she saw him on that bed in the Hospital Wing and her breath catches again. How can one person be so different, so at peace when the sleep yet so menacing during the day?

Lily takes Twyla's hand, and smiles. The stranger mirrors her smile and retreats back to her own family.

"We shall be seeing you soon. All the best, Lily; Less quidditch, more work on that prophecy, yes? Good girl." Draco coaxes, and they all disapparate.

A silence settles in the room. 

"Everyone. Out. I need a word with my father." Lily hisses, unable to look at her family. A shuffle of feet and scraping of chairs indicate that they are in no position to argue. Once the door has slammed closed, Lily feels her face heat up, anger burning in her chest.

"How." She demands. Harry places himself on the chair furthest away from his daughter. Wise choice.

"Twyla Hoffman was innocent. Under the Imperius Curse. When we retrieved her body - nice body bind, by the way -"

"Off topic, don't try and butter me up."

"Yes, anyway, her memory had been wiped clean. The Ministry trialled her and came to the conclusion that she was under the Imperius curse. I tried to show what she did to you but the others sided against me. I tried, Lily."

"So the Malfoy's adopted her then, huh? I wonder how long it will be before her mother claims her back again." Lily snaps, folding her arms across her chest.

"Mother?" Harry asks quizzically, leaning in closer to his daughter.

"Yep," She pops the 'p' and slides out of bed. "Says her name is Izabella - they've been kidnapping your Aurors by the way." Harry groans and kisses Lily on the forehead, rushing to leave the room.

"Thanks Lil, you're a life saver. I'll get someone on it straight away." Harry leaves the room, door swinging like a hanged man. Back and forth, slower and slower and slower.... until it stops.

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