Day 2

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Trevor's POV

I'm on my way to set and I can't stop thinking about last night. When I was walking Nicole home, we just couldn't stop chatting and we laughed so much. I had such a great time. As I walk into the rehearsal room, Brittany's already there warming up, and the heart ache comes back again. Damn you Brittany Raymond, I think to myself. Half a joke, half not. Seeing as Britt's facing the other way, I decide to jump out on her. After the initial shock and swear word (something along the lines of 'F*** you Trevor' comes to mind) she looks happy to see me and reaches out for a hug. I accept but let go quickly so my head can remain in charge and not my heart. If I left my heart in control when Brittany's involved then things could get very complicated, very quickly.

As soon as Nicole and Zach arrive we start working on lifts. And there's plenty in this routine. Don't get me wrong, I love lifting but some of these lifts are really complicated and I'm terrified that when it comes to mine and Britt's turn, I'm going to end up dropping her.

We start with Zach showing me how to hold the girl up in each of the new lifts (a couple of them Britt and I have done before) and then practice with me lifting Nicole. I'm hesitant to start with, but Nicole's clearly done these lifts hundreds of times before because she holds herself up no matter how terribly I'm doing. As I start to relax, the lifts start to improve. It's actually really fun dancing with Nicole, I mean it's completely different to dancing with Britt, but fun nonetheless. I like the way her small body feels resting on my shoulder and the cute squeals she makes when I lift her too high.

Brittany's POV

I've been sitting out for most of the morning, watching as Trevor tries to get the hang of these new lifts with Nicole. I'm concentrating on her mostly so I can be prepared for how to hold myself when it comes to my turn, but every so often my gaze shifts to Trev. Once, I see his eyes light up and his face break into a massive grin when he finally gets this lift. It's so cute but of course I'm not going to tell him that.

I can't help it, I get the same feeling in my chest as I did yesterday when the two of them left together. I know it's stupid but they're pressed up against each other, and she's laughing softly at all of his jokes, and he's holding her so tightly around her waist, and he's looking at her the way I've always wished he'd look at me and...

'I need some air' I announce and sprint out before anyone can ask me any questions.

Trevor's POV

As soon as I see Brittany leave, I know she's upset.

'Do you think she's okay?' Nicole asks.

'Let me handle it, just give us a few minutes yeah?' I say and run after Britt.

I eventually find her outside one of the fire exits. When she hears the door open, she reaches her hand to her face. She thinks I didn't see her, but it's too late, it's not the first time I've been with her as she's wiped tears from her eyes.

'Hey' I say softly.

'Oh Hi' she replies. She sounds happy but I can tell she's just putting on a brave face.

'What's up?' I ask, putting my arm round her.

'Nothing' she says, shrugging my arm off. 'I just got a little hot, that's all. Come on let's get back, it's about time I get to try out some of these lifts don't you think?'

And with that she walks off, leaving me standing there.


Me and Britt have been trying out these lifts for a while now and lets just say they're not exactly going perfectly. I haven't quite got her up in the right position and she comes down awkwardly, stumbling a little and then stumbling a lot. Before I know what's happened, I'm on my back on the ground and she's fallen on top of me. Our faces are inches from each other. Her breath tickles my face. My heart stops beating for just a second.

'Oh um I'm sorry' she's says, blushing, as she attempts to roll off me.

'Don't even worry about it' I say, laughing. I get up quickly and offer her my hands. She accepts and I haul her up.

'Hey' I say. 'This doesn't break our perfect record of me not dropping you does it? I mean because technically your feet were touching the floor when you fell.' I joke.

'Are you implying that this was all my fault Mr Tordjman?' she says, her voice dripping with sarcasm.

'I would never do such a thing Miss Raymond' I say and she laughs.

Brittany's POV

By the end of the day, we've finally got the lifts and learnt all of the choreography. We show the finished routine to Amy and she's impressed.

'Just needs a bit of polishing and it will be perfect' she says. 'Tell you what, as it's Nicole and Zach's last day in Canada tomorrow, you can all take the day off. But Britt and Trev, you better be here at 7.30AM sharp on Friday morning or else.'

'Yes Ma'am' me and Trevor say in unison, laughing.

'So what do you all want to do tomorrow then?' Trevor asks. 'Might as well make the most of it'.

'If you don't mind, I think I might spend the day with my family again. I mean I hardly ever get to see them' Zach says.

'Of course, you definitely should' I say to him. 'Nicole, any ideas?'

'Not a clue, I don't even know what there is to do around here' she laughs.

'Ooh I know' I say. 'Can you ski?'

'Um yeah I guess' she replies. 'I mean I'm definitely not very good but I know how to'.

'Great!' I exclaim. 'They just opened this new leisure centre downtown with a ski slope. I've been dying to check it out'.

'That sounds amazing', she says smiling.

'Count me in' says Trevor. Great, I think. Another day I'll have to put up with Trevor and Nicole's flirting but I can't deny that I'm happy Trevor's coming. I've always loved spending time with him. 'I'll pay' he continues. 'For both of you. Consider it my treat for half dropping you earlier Britt'.

'Okay if you're sure' I say. 'But if you're paying, then you let me drive. I'll pick you both up around half nine tomorrow morning'.


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