Not Okay

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Trevor's POV

She'd been gone for 10 days. Well, if the date she stopped texting me and the date she left coincided, which I was pretty sure they did, then I figured she had been gone for 10 days. Other members of the cast had started to realise that Brittany was unreachable a few days after I did, and it became the focus of our group chat. Worried, I had called Sam and she had told me to tell them Brittany had gone away with their parents and was just having a break from her phone and everything. I felt so guilty for lying to them but I knew Britt wouldn't have wanted them to know. Heck, she probably didn't even want me knowing.

It was only yesterday that I had become truly scared. It was the first day of our ADR recording for Season 3 and Brittany hadn't showed up. Sam had had to call in sick for her. But, Britt never missed work stuff for anything. The production team were always talking about how reliable and committed she was, and how some of us should take a leaf out of her book. I was convinced something had to have happened to her, why else wouldn't she come back for it? It's needless to say that I haven't eaten or slept since I walked out of that recording session yesterday.

I looked across at the clock on my beside table. It read 10PM. I sighed, lay my head back on top of the comforter and continued staring at the small cracks in the ceiling, listening to the torrential rain hammer against my window. Lamar and Isaac had gone to the local cinema to see this new movie that had only come out recently. They were insistent that I went with them but I had, of course, turned them down on the offer. They definitely knew something was up but I had also made it pretty clear that I didn't want to talk about it, and they respected that.

The doorbell rang, snapping me out of my thoughts. I was filled with the same false hope I had been for the last 10 days every time I heard the doorbell, or my phone had rung or there was a new email in my inbox. It was never her. Sighing, I sat up slowly and dragged myself to the front door. I hadn't expected Lamar and Isaac to be back this early, perhaps they had messed up the timings for the film and had missed it. I wouldn't be surprised.

I unhooked my keys from where they were hanging in the hallway, turned them in the lock and pulled the door open. My heart dropped.

Brittany stood there. From head to toe, she was completely drenched through from the rain. There were little water droplets that hung from her hair and even tinier ones that were caught in her eyelashes. She looked up at me, blinking them away. I just stood there frozen, completely in shock.

"Hi" she whispered shyly.

That broke me out of my trance.

"Oh my god, Britt".

I instantly pulled her into my arms, feeling her relax into my embrace. I held her so tightly, fearful if I let go then I would lose her again. Eventually, I placed my hands on her forearms and took a step back from her slightly.

"Where were you?" I said, letting my hands drop to my sides. "No scrap that, it doesn't matter. Why haven't I heard anything from you for ten days? Not even a text. Not even one text. I was left here, going crazy with worry, and not one text. I convinced myself something had happened to you. I thought...I thought you were de-"

"No Trev don't, I-"

"No, you don't get to speak right now" I cut her off, feeling my voice raise. "I realise I'm being an absolute dickhead for yelling at you but just because you leave Brittany, people don't forget about you. Just because you can't see them, it doesn't mean they stop looking for you. They never stop caring. I get that your head's a mess right now, I get it and I'm sorry, but I just needed to know that you were safe, that you were okay" I finished softly, cupping her face in my hands, forcing her to look at me.

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