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Authors note: this picture is kinda what I'm going for. It will make more sense after reading but this is what I'm thinking when I introduced the costume.

                        You and sans sit behind the shed for a bit watching snow fall. After a few minutes you decide to go back to the party and socialize for a bit. When you walk inside, you notice the music stopped playing. You didn't know what to do. You remember that naps tabloid was talking about how he likes to make music. You decide to ask him if he wants to play some on the DJ table. It takes you a minute to find him, when you notice he was staring to the DJ table.

"Hey napstablook, would you like to play some music." You ask startling him.

"Oh I'm sorry, I didn't mean to bother." He says backing away.

"Oh no no, your not being a bother. Come on, I want to hear you play." You insisted.

"I guess it wouldn't hurt to try." He says with a small smile.

"That's the spirt." (Lol )

As soon as napstablook put his headset on you knew he was use to this. He just started and you were already amazed at his talent. He gives you a glance to see your reaction and you give him a big thumbs up. Soon everyone gathered around him and praised him. Knowing that everyone was having a good time filled you with determination.  After a bit you worked up the courage to go have a chat with Asgore. You walked up to him and started to make small talk. Eventually your small talk turned into a whole conversation on both of your ideas of what to do once on the surface. You could feel the pain in his words. It hurt your heart knowing the monsters were trapped down here. They were all so nice, and to think you couldn't even remember your life on the surface. You want to find  way to release the monsters from this underground. Asgore spoke of a way to free the monsters but it required a human soul. This sent fear into your mind. 'Did he know?' you wondered. He talked about various things from his life in the underground to his hopes for the future of monsters. After a bit undyne pulled you away for a dancing contest. Apparently papyrus dared her to compete against you in a free style. You did your best, but afraid of your disguise falling off, you went easy on the dancing.


The party continued until people started falling asleep. It amazed you, that no one suspected you of being human. Then again how could they when you had such good friends watching your back. Once everyone left, you start to clean up. Papyrus fell asleep next to the tree and sans was sleeping on the couch. Undyne took alphas home. For some reason that made you smile. You leave the boys where they were and continued to clean up. You put all the paper plates and cups in trash bags and put the silverware in the sink. You walked upstairs and grabbed some extra blankets. You first layed a blanket over papyrus and kissed him on the forehead.

"Good night." You whispered.

You then walked over to sans and place a blanket over him. You again kissed his forehead and whispered good night. You smile at the two before continuing your cleaning. You felt a sense of home overcome you. It made you happy. You quietly sit on the floor and lean against the couch. You admired you work for a bit before drifting off to sleep.


You wake up the next morning in sans bed. You were confused, you remember falling asleep in the living room how did you get here. You get out of bed and walk down stairs. You are greeted by papyrus asking if you want breakfast. You sat at the table and a plate of pancakes was set in front of you. Sans walks in and sits beside you.

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