Chapter One: Run

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Sophie's P.o.v

I sigh as I finish unpacking the rest of my clothes. I let out a frustrated scream as I pull on the roots of my hair, this is to much! Trying to unpack for three days now is taking a toll on me. I am so done unpacking for the day. I haven't gone no where -not that I know where to go- or met anybody. I'm all alone.

I still need to find a job, the money I have won't last me more than a couple months. Who knew moving to a new city was going to be this hard? I just had to move, I couldn't be in the same place where I had the worst memories. I just couldn't, I'm not strong enough. Someday I will go back, just not now -it's to soon.

Checking the clock it read 6:23 pm. That explains why I'm so hungry, I haven't ate since the moring. Looking into the fridge there is nothing to eat -not a surprise. I guess I'll have take out once again. I should probably buy more groceries, tomorrow.

Grabbing the paper with my address on it I call a cab. I change into comfortable clothes and wait for the cab to come. I grab my necessities and put them inside my purse, but I feel like I'm missing something. Shaking it off I walk outside the apartment complex and as if on cue the cab comes in.

"Where to ma'am" the driver says. I can't spend much so whatever will do.

"Is there a good pizza place" I ask.

"Oh yes, I know a place. It's just on 14th street. It's called Artichoke and they sell one hell of a pizza, if I do say so myself" he chuckles to himself.

I just nod my head, I don't know where 14th Street is or where any street is so I just say "that will do, thanks". He nods his head and takes of driving.

I space out thinking of my past life. How I wish I was there that day, the day my parents were killed. Maybe, just maybe if I was there I could of done something to save them. I remember walking into the house to see a pool of blood everywhere. To see my father have a bullet in the middle of his head and my mother a shot to the chest. Every valuable possession we had was taken away. Everything except the locket with a picture of me and them. I look down at it as tears are edging to run down my face.

"Are you okay ma'am" the driver asks. I quickly wipe away my eyes.

"I'm fine" I lied.

"Well here's your stop" he says parking the car in an empty spot. I take out the money I owe him and hand it to him. I walk in and the first thing I see Is that it's packed. Well then...

A waiter takes me to an open booth. "Hi, I will be your waiter for tonight, can I get you anything to drink" he seemed like he was bored with his job. He didn't even fake enthusiasm.

"Just an iced tea for now" I smile. He writes it down and walks away. He comes back with a menu and my drink.

"I'll be back in a few when you're ready" I didn't get to answer as he already walked away. Such good customer service (note the sarcasm). Looking at the menu I look at the pizzas and see they have weird names. Margherita, sicilian, vodka sicilian, crab, what? Whoever named these pizzas must have been drunk, literally. Looking more down I see there is pepperoni -ah, atleast something here sounds normal.

Coming back the waiter gives me the same bored look on his face. "Are you ready to order"

"Yeah, can I just have the pepperoni pizza" I say. He nods his head and writes it down.

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