Chapter Two: Kidnapped

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Sophie's P.o.v

Waking up today I feel anything, but well rested. Last night I kept waking up in the middle of the night with the images replaying in my mind over and over. I get seem to get it out of my mind, well any normal person wouldn't, but still. Just thinking about it ran cold shivers down my spine. That man was killed cold blooded.

Getting up from my bed I stretch out. My legs are so sore. Well no shit, after that run whose legs wouldn't be sore? Grabbing my phone I see I have a missed message. Maybe it was the one from last night. Opening it up, it was from an unknown number, okay?

Once I read it I felt my heart stop. My phone slipped and fell to the floor as I just stood there paralyzed. No! I must have read it wrong, maybe it's just my eyes. I'm just seeing things. My whole body starts trembling as I pick up my phone and reread the message.

Better watch yourself if I were you, don't want to end up like the guy from the alley.

My breathing was out of control. It came out in short pants, never enough air. I need to get help, they are out to get me. I can't be stuck here doing nothing.

I quickly change into some skinny jeans and a long black sleeve shirt. Not minding my hair I just put it up into a messy bun. This is more important than caring if I look good. I put my shoes on and grab a sweater and my phone. This time I grab the paper, don't want a repeat of last night.

In such hurry I open the door and try to run out only to run into a wall? Stumbling back a bit I regain my balance. I swear I thought I opened the door. Looking back I'm met with blazing blue eyes staring at me. To the side of him are two other guys. What the hell is going on?

"Can it help you" I mumbled. They all had serious faces, but the one in the middle just screams power and money. How may I know that? Well, just by looking at their black suits.

"Are you sure that's her" blue eyes tells the right guy.

"Positive" he responds. Wait, what are they talking about? I get a bad feeling at the pit of my stomach. Then I remembered last night, the three men, and here there is three men, then the message warning me and then these people appear. My eyes go wide with realization, these are the same people.

"Get her" blue eyes responds as he turns away. Oh, hell no! Getting the door knob I try to shut the door only for a foot to be put in between. Plan B it is, I let go of the door and take off running inside my apartment. I almost reach my room when a rough hand grabs my wrist.

"No, let me go" I shout at the top of my lungs. I'm not going down with out a fight. He grabs one of my arms and the other grabs my other arm.

"Help, someone help me" I yell again. I kick and scream trying to free myself. I struggle against their hold.

"Someone help me, they are trying to kill me" I yell even louder this time. This time blue eyes turned around and had a gun pointed straight at me, I froze. Just like that my fight was over.

"Scream one more fucking time and I promise you that you'll end up just like that guy from the alley" he sneers, His jaw clenching and unclenching just waiting for me to scream again so he can blow my brains off. I can't say nothing even if I wanted to. At this moment I feel like I lost the ability to talk or to even breathe. Fear invades me as I look at him holding the gun. The shiny metallic gun that can easily end my life in just one shot.

"That's what I thought" he says turning around and putting the gun away. My heart is beating to the limit where it's going to pop. I didn't even notice I was crying till I felt tears on my lip. This is it, they are going to take me who knows where and kill me.

I'm only 21 and I'm going to meet my death. All those years of school are now for nothing. The most sad thing is that I'm going great to die the same way my parents died, cold blood murder. Atleast we will be reunited again.

I let them walk me outside where a black suv is waiting for us. "Get in" blue eyes says sternly. I reluctantly get in. Blue eyes sits in the passenger seat as on of his guys sits next to me and one behind me.

"Drive" he says monotonously to the driver. I put my elbows to my knees as I palm my face and cry. If only I didnt forget that paper yesterday, I would of still been home unpacking. I would of been safe I stead of being here taken to my doom. Out of all people why me. What did I ever do to deserve it. I lost my parents and after three years of suffering I guess it was enough that now I'll die.

My sobs got louder. I'll never get to meet the love of my life, I will never get married, I will never have kids of my own, I will never get to die old with my husband. Even more sad is that I'm still a virgin, ugh my friends were right I'm such a prude.

"Make her shut up, just make her shut the fuck up" I look at him doing circles on his temples "her crying is giving me a fucking headache and I'm this close to blowing of hers" he yells out.

"Yes sir" the guy next to me take out something out of his pocket and I pops the cap off. As I look at it I see its a syringe, no.

"No, please no, don't, get that away from me". I try to move but I'm next to the window. One this for sure is that I'm scared of needles and this one had a big needle.

"Do it now" blue eyes says louder this time. I feel him grab my arm as he injects my body.

"No" I let out a loud scream. My vision starts to blur as I feel darkness starting to take over. What have I gotten myself into?

She's kidnapped! Chapter 2 like or dislike? Comment what you like/dislike. Wrote this quick chapter so it's short.

Vote if you want another update. Also if you'd like go check out my other stories:)

Till next time, bye.

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