Chapter Fourteen: Escaping

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Sophie's P.O.V

     "Going back to the basement so soon" the moment I hear his voice I freeze. An immense relief fell over me which is something I didn't think I would feel. Vincent. I thought it would have been one of the others, and once again I would have been taken. Yet, here he is almost as if he came to rescue me. I breathe harshly through my nose as his hand is still covering my mouth. I stand there stiff as a stick not sure what is about to happen next.

     "Didn't think I was going to let you go so easy now did you" he whispers harshly into my ear. I shake my head no. I just wanted to go somewhere where I wasn't going to have bullets near my body.

     "You better not make a sound, you hear me" I nod my head yes. He uncovers my mouth and takes a strong grip onto my arm. He scans the area and starts taking fast strides. I keep up with him as best as I could and frantically look around to make sure we won't be shot at.

     We run out of the front door. A black shadow moves swiftly across in the distance. Vincent sees him too because the next thing I know he takes out his gun and shoots. Omg. He's going to get us killed. The man turns and tries to aim towards us but Vincent was quicker. He shoots again multiple times, this time getting him on the upper body. The body just falls back. Vincent starts pulling me once again. The body doesn't move any further. He is dead. I think? I can hear men shouting in the distance, of course, I have no clue what they're saying. I can tell it wasn't Italian either. Vincent looks around the surroundings as if trying to figure out where those voices were coming from. There is no movement in the distance and I still don't know where he is pulling me towards.

      I don't think I can keep going, my legs feel like they are about to give up on me. I feel nauseous and I feel this pressure in my chest that feels like it will explode any second. I wonder how many have died many will die? Where is the police? Why is there no help here? There is no way no one else has not heard these shots. Right? Then again, I have no been outside since I have gotten here. I don't know where the closest house is at. Hell, I don't even know what city or state I'm in. They had put me to sleep when they took me. It's all feels so surreal. How did I end up here?

We make it outside and different men stand outside guarding different SUVs. He pulls me into one and I don't have time to adjust myself before I feel like I'm being thrown back. The driver sped off, everyone is yelling and I don't know what they're saying. I don't dare to look out the window. I hide my face down. I feel myself jerking left and right at the turns. No way he is going at a safe speed. I couldn't possibly know where we are going.

Vincent is still yelling. It's been minutes and I still haven't dared to look up. Either ways I don't know where we are going.

A sigh escapes my mouth. Vincent suddenly goes quiet as if realizing that I'm still there. I don't move and keep my gaze down. He says something and I hear some noises coming from the back seat. He pulls on my arm. I finally look up and see him holding a needle. He doesn't give me time to react. He injects it into my arm and in moments I can feel that I no longer can keep my eyes open.


It's soft. My head feels like it's on top of a fluffy cloud, but I feel cold. My arm stretches out but i feel no blanket. I force my eyes start to open. I'm on a bed in an unfamiliar room. I'm so confused. My head is throbbing and my eyes still feel so heavy. How did I get here? Last thing I remember was Vincent holding that needle. I look at my arm and see there is slight bruising. Of course he was not going to be gentle.

I scan the room. The window is covered. There's no furniture except this bed. There's a door that most likely leads to a bathroom or a closet and another door that's definitely the exit. It can only be opened from the outside. I get off the bed and walk over to the door that I can open. Only a simple sink, shower, and toilet. No mirror, no cabinets, no window, just an empty restroom with a single toilet paper roll. How thoughtful. I walk back to the bed and sit down. I don't know if it's day or night. The lightbulb is bright, but I don't know about outside.

I can hear noises. Men talking and walking. They're unfamiliar voices. Someone speaks by the door. There's someone guarding my door? It's already locked, why would I need a guard at the door? The voices fade away and I'm left alone to my thoughts. There's nothing to distract me from these awful thoughts. Everything is just replaying over and over like a carousel that has no way to get off it. Just keep going round and round.

I don't know how much time passed by. I hear keys jingle and the door knob turn. I turn and look towards the door but keep my gaze towards the floor. I just see a pair of legs. I can already assume to who they belong to. He strides over to where I'm at. I don't look up at him. He stands there in silence. The tension in the room is growing, it's almost suffocating. What now?

I can see his hand coming towards me from my peripheral vision. He places it under my chin and makes me look up at him. I want to avert my eyes elsewhere but the look he's giving is almost murderous that If I look away he just might kill me here now.

"Think you're so smart?" I continue to look at him and not say anything. What does he mean by that?

"Answer me" his voice so menacing. I open my mouth but nothing comes out.

"Answer me" he says louder this time that I almost look away.

"I don't know what you mean" I say in a voice barely audible that I don't even know if he heard.

"You don't know what I mean" he lets out a cynical laugh. "You don't know what I mean" he repeats again. "Don't make me ask you one more time" he says.

"I don't know. I don't know what you're talking about" I cry out. His hand goes up and comes down onto my face with so much power that it throws me on my side.

"Please, I don't know. I don't know. I don't know. I-I couldn't have done anything. I was there the whole time" I'm saying in between sobs "please. I don't know anything".

"You don't know anything? Seems like you never know anything" he grabs a handful of my hair and pulls me up "was that your pathetic little rescue team? If they want you back so bad I can send you back in little pieces one by one" he says the last part so slowly that it sounded like a promise he was going to accomplish.

"I don't know them" I pathetically say. I don't know if he can understand me in-between my sobs.

He throws me "how dare you take me for a fool" he is yelling so loud I think everyone can hear him. "Don't think you'll make it out of here alive. If you're still alive right now, it's only for my benefit. Once you have no use, I'll make sure no one will be able to identify you" he walks away and slams the door. My face feels burning hot. There's some blood coming out. I tremble with fear. What was he talking about? My vision is blurry from the tears and I can't comprehend what just happened. How was it my fault now? I don't understand it.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 28, 2021 ⏰

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