(Part 8)...a pissed off boss and an amazing hug

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*Harry's POV*

Alexis and I got out of the café right after one of the waiters called an ambulance for Lauretta'. What she said was hurtful and what I just watched Alexis do was worse. I could never imagine her doing what she did, even though I've only just met her. In a way I was thankful to her, but I didn't exactly know how to put it into words and tell her. Just come out with a simple 'thank you' ,Harry! The walk was quiet, only the sound of the howling wind could be heard. I could tell by the look on Alexis' face that something was worrying her.. Aside from the catastrophe' that just happened and the wind of course. It was getting cold though and she was shivering.. I had to give her my coat for warmth.

"Here, take this.. It'll keep you a bit warmer."
I handed it to her and she just awkwardly stared at me. Haha it was kind of cute to be honest .

"N no.. H..harry ..I..I can't ..ta-.."

She started to stutter through gritted teeth and rejected the coat. I cut her mid sentence because I couldn't let her beautiful body ache in the cold and with that, I placed it over her myself. This time her expression was a little less awkward, she had no other option and smiled with satisfaction.

"Uhh. So Alex, where did you say you stay?"

"Two blocks up."

We've reached Alexis' place, it was quite big. We walked up a flight of stairs and through the beige door leading to the apartment..or hotel.. Or whatever you call this fancy matchbox. We were in the living room, it was to my liking .. So elegant! I swear not one of the hotel rooms I stayed in over these years looked this great!

I stopped with the observing when I heard another voice..

"Alex!!! Where have you been? I've been searching EVERYWHERE for you. I've been looking on the streets, I've been by here twice and I've even tried calling, but somebody decided to leave their phone behind!!!"

Umm.. I'm not missing something ...am i . I thought to myself. He can't be her..?.. No. I stood there blankly looking at this man but then my gaze turned to Alex when she spoke..

"I'm so sorry Mr. Travis, it won't happen again"

"Mr. Travis" who is this guy. If it isn't her boyfriend, husband or brother.. Then wh-..
I was taken away from my thoughts when he introduced himself.

"Hi I'm Travis...Shane Travis, Alexis' boss.. And you are?"

This guy "her boss" just spat out his name like some kind of James bond pshhh idiot!
"Harry.. Nice to meet you" I greeted back halfheartedly.

"Wait what? Harry.. As in Styles Harry? From that band One Deduction? "


"Yes Shane, he is Harry Styles from 'One Direction' ", she corrected him.

I was cut off by Alexis. Its a good thing she corrected him otherwise I never would have
.although I knew what he was getting at with "One DEDUCTION" either way, I believe Zayn is happy now.

"Oh ..yeah!! That's what I meant hazz ! You dont Mind if I call ya that, do ya!? (He asked with an arrogant smirk)

I swear this man is getting on my nerves right now!!!

" uhm.. Harry thank you so much for uhm, d-.dropping me off here. It means a lot!"

Alexis dragged me to the main door quickly. She handed me her phone and asked me to save my number in her phone, keeping an eye on Shane. Why was she afraid though?

*Alexis' POV*

I could see a bit of tention between Shane and Harry and I couldn't let anything happen, so I decided to interrupt and say goodbye to harry. I didn't want to at all! I just had to. I knew he was still hurt from earlier so he sure as hell wouldn't be up for any of my boss' crap. Considering he hates the mention of the name "harry". It was hard for me to say goodbye, I hugged him tightly, my arms around his big broad shoulders and his around my waist. I wanted this hug to last forever. I soon let go of him and gave a reassuring smile, it then planted across his face.. We stood there at the door for what felt like eternity. just looking into his beautiful green iris's caused my smile to widen.. But this time Harry's didn't. He took his eyes off of me, to be looking to the back of me at Shane looking at us.
Ahhh hell kill me now!! Really Shane?! Way to ruin our moment !

I looked back at harry and now his gaze was met with mine again. I took in his real life features one last time before I said goodbye and softly whispered to him ..

"I'll call you tomorrow harry, sleep well ♡"

"You too Alex
Goodnight." Harry said giving a friendly wink. And with that he took off and waved one last time as he chuckled. Hehe he'll always be such a goofball

..my goofball.. Friend.

Haha hiya! So this chapter was okay.. Right? Aww I whish harry was my goofball
:') well he is.. But .. I.. Dgsfhhhhjkkjkkjff *sobbing* haha you all must me thinking "but how does zayn get in?!" Well you'll find out, just keep readingggg, he'll get in the story a bit later on, ;) ♥


PS. I SOooo wanna experience a harry styles hug omgg :'( I wrote what I imagined harry & I to be like ..

Hehe bye now

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