Cry for me

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It was raining lightly outside. That’s just another day in November. The city was so cold and hazy that you can hardly see your own feet leap in the ground. But I didn’t care as I can catch my own shivering body was soaked by the raindrop. White T-shirt and the skinny jeans I wore are all soaked. I didn’t even get an umbrella or jacket or anything else you would have brought in this cold weather. I really didn't care though.

I just keep walking along the street. I could feel the warm-and-well-clothed lady I went by was staring at me in wonder or pity. I hate it, but I didn’t care. All people that I met, bringing an umbrella and wearing something but t-shirt. Some couples are standing below the tree, hugging each other for warmth.

My eyes captured the other man's eyes, he extends his arm to me that standing next to him, trying to keep me warm. Still, I didn't care. My head nodded for a while as my body was unable to hold in the cold. I was trembling heavy. My step was broken off. Suddenly, I feel all of air leak was choking my throat.  I cried for a help but it was useless since there is nobody there, or there is no one recognize my existence. My mind was collapsed, and thus was my body. At the end of I still conscious, I feel a hand, a strong hand gripping me from the back, preventing my backbone falls hitting the cold and wet ground.

“Tae? Taemin!”

It was a man's voice. Was it my roomate? Or dad? It was not possible my dad. He was always busy managing his own world. Or, it was him? That would be the last edict of a million possibilities.
Without any sentience, a tear was falling down my cheek. Why was I crying? The hands now wrap around my torso. For a second I felt warm, so warm that my mind was wandering flashback seeking the related memories that I keep deep inside.

" I'll take you back home. What are you doing in this weather walking along the street with bare feet, you stupid! "

It was that voice again. Now I can assure it was Kibum, my roomie. I tried to open my eyes and stood up. Kibum got my back. Still the rain fell. First step, the unconscious completely took over my torso, causing me falling with my shoulder eased. Scarcely, I heard Kibum was screaming my name, shaking my body trying to wake me up. But my eyes won’t cooperate. And it feels like the gravitational force was much bigger pulling my body to the earth. My body was numb instantly.

“Jongin..” that was the last word out from my lips before I completely sink in my comatose.


“Ready for tonight, taemin?”

The owner of the familiar baritone voice with a slight French accent was standing at my door. From across the room, I could smell the Charlie White fragrance from his case, wrapping the air in my chamber. His gaze was spotting on my intensively. This night, I dressed perfectly. My skin face was carved with Kibum's masterpiece. He called so for the fact that he, or we, needed three hours to make me seem like the boy on the vogue magazine. At least that’s what Kibum said.

" Oh my gosh, tae! This is your big day. You should look perfect for tonight! " kibum said that repeatedly. I couldn’t be more disagree.

" Hyung, Do you think he is going to confess it now? " I couldn’t restrain a smile from my lips. And it was growing wider as kibum nodded his head, convincing my last question.

" I'll make you feel like a princess tonight. Happy birthday taeminnie! "

Right after Jongin completed his sentence, he hugged me then took my hand and held me gently. I could feel the sparkle spreading inside my stomach. I can't help but blushing hard by his action.

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