Ch. 1

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I rolled around in my bed, trying to get comfortable. I don't know what's wrong with me. I usually sleep perfectly. It's just, I feel like I'm being watched, like if I make a wrong move someone will kill me.

I sighed, and looked at my alarm clock. It was 12:03 a.m. Great, I need to get to sleep! I'm going to be like a walking zombie tomorrow at work.

I sighed getting, and putting on some shoes. I don't care if I was in my pajamas, or not! I grabbed my phone off the charger just in case something bad was to happen. I grabbed my jacket, and walked out my front door.

I had been walking around for a few minutes, and already felt tired. Nobody was out this late at night, so it would be creepy if I saw anybody, or else they were like me. Which, is probably a few people.

I didn't see anybody. Hmm, that's kind of strange, I would usually see at least one person, I guess everybody was sleeping good tonight.

Just then something caught my eye. I walked over to it, and saw there was something red. I clicked the home button on my iPhone to get a better look at what it was. I gasped immediately as to what I just saw.

There laying on the ground in front of me, was a lifeless body, blood tried from its neck. It looked like the person was terrified, you could sort of tell by their facial expression. I noticed to little teeth marks on the neck, and saw they looked different. It didn't look like any human bite, and especially not a animal bite. Oh well, I'll report it to the cops.

The police station was not that far away from the body, so I walked there. I walked in, and saw that it was practically deserted. Just then a man who looked about to be in his early 20's came up to me.

"Can I help you, ma'am?" He asks. How do I tell him I just saw a person dead on the side of the road, and that there weren't any normal teeth marks, or any signs that it was a animal attack?

"Uh, I was on a walk, and saw a dead body." I said nervously. He studied me for a minute, and nodded.

"Was the persons face terrified?" He asks me. I nod, and he stares at me for a second. "Stupid teenagers." He muttered under his breathy. "Ok, we'll take care of it. Have a safe walk back to your house ma'am." He said looking at the door.

I left the station, hoping they'd find the body. Just then I remembered that I had to walk passed it on my way back home.

I started walking. I felt like I was being watched again. But I ignored the feeling. I looked to see where the body had been, and realized it had disappeared! Now the police were never going to find it!

I continued walking, hoping I'd see the body again. Just then I heard footsteps behind me. I turned around, and saw somebody walking quickly behind me. They had their hood on so, I couldn't really see their face.

I walked a little quicker. They were walking faster that what I was, so they couldn't be on a midnight walk.

Just then I was tackled to the ground. I heard deep laughter, and the person turned me around. What I saw, was the person with the hood over their face. They didn't have the right colored eyes, unless they had red contacts. Who'd want red contacts, not me.

The person removed their hood, and I was shocked to see a guy about my age. He had dirty blonde hair, and was pale. He smiled, and showed me his teeth. His teeth didn't look like normal teeth, he had fangs. Wait red eyes, he's pale, and he has red eyes. No! No! It can't be true! The boy on top of me was a vampire.

"So, you already figured it out." He said. It was just then I felt his man part, on my lady part. I silently thought of a plan, hoping he wouldn't hear it. I silently thrust my hips forward. He moaned in pleasure. I smirked, and pushed him off of me. He was in complete shock.

I had taken off running. I was literally already half a mile away before he got up. He started laughing again. His laugh boomed through the empty streets.

Just then I was grabbed! I was pulled, and looked up to see the same guy. He had a smirk playing on his lips.

"Don't think you can ever outrun me. That little stunt back there, it turned me on." He winked. I felt so sick to my stomach. His man eyes thrust forward, and I moaned in pleasure. "Now, you know how it feels." He whispered. Now, I was turned on.

Just then he started leaning down, so he was about my height. He pushed his lips to mine. I didn't kiss back, because I was shocked, so I didn't kiss back. He growled, and I was terrified. "Kiss back. Now." He said demandingly. I started to kiss back, because I was terrified.

He started going down from my lips, and I realized he was going to bite me. He was going to kill me. He shook his head, and started sucking on my neck. I started to slightly moan.

I then felt his teeth graze my skin. This was it, I was going to die. I closed my eyes, so I wouldn't start crying. I was going to leave this world by being killed by a vampire.

Just then he bit me. I was about to scream until his hand covered my mouth. I opened my eyes, and let a tear escape. Just then he got off of me. I guess he thought I was weak. He wasn't paying attention, and I got up, and ran away.

He looked shocked. Just then there was a scream. I was shocked, and stopped running. Oh my God, no! He can't kill another person! I ran back in the direction, and realized that there he was. Nobody was near him, and there wasn't any blood on his mouth. I guess he got rid of my blood.

I then realized it was a trap. He jumped on top of me. He didn't waste any foreplay. He bit me, and started to suck my blood.

My eyes started to droop, and I started to feel more tired. Just then my eyes closed fully. Just then I blacked out, I was taken into the dark.

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