Ch. 6

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Me, and Niall walked down the staircase. Niall was glaring at Synyster like if he did something almost wrong, he'd kill him completely without any thoughts what-so-ever!

"Hi, I'm Brian!" Brian said, or Syn... I smiled at him, and nodded.

"I know! I'm a huge fan!" Said gushing completely in awe. I mean, it's not everyday you get to meet one of your idols?!

Niall quickly pulled me to the side in complete surprise. "There's a reason they call him Synyster!" He hissed at me. I looked at him in complete shock, first he kidnaps me, and now he tells me to basically stay away from one of my idols?

"You're a huge prick right now! You know that?!" I shouted at him. "Maybe I'll hangout with Brian!" I shouted. Where did all this courage come from?!

"Yeah, you can hang out with me." Brian said giving me a slight quick wink. I heard Niall start growling beside me. . .

Brian quickly grabbed my arm, and pulled me away from Niall. He then quickly pulled me out of the castle, the other members of Avenged Sevenfold following.

'Hmm, I wonder what they're doing? Maybe they'll take me home!' I thought to myself. Hoping one of them wouldn't be able to read my mind. 'Yes! They are taking me home! Away from Niall! Boo-yeah! I'll be able to go to work, and see my annoying neighbors! Even though it really hasn't been that long, it's felt like forever!' I thought quietly to myself.

They put me on their couch. "Go to sleep." Zacky whispered into my ear. Before I knew it I was sleeping.


Where was I?!

I was in pure darkness. I can't see! I don't where I am! Am I falling?

I heard devilly, evil laughter come from behind me.

"Who's there?!" I called out terrified.

Just then I saw Brian, and Niall. "You'll never get out of here alive." Niall said.

"He's right, you'll be ours forever. Until death do us part." He said laughing the last part. "The only death with tear us apart is if you kill yourself." He said laughing, creepily.

I am so confused, what did he mean?

"Oh, Brian! She doesn't know what we're talking about!" Niall laughed. "Oh darling, he turned you! You're now ours forever!" He laughed.

"Y-You have to be kidding! You're kidding right?!" I asked. "Tell me you're kidding!" I begged.

They just laughed. . . They never stopped laughing.

Just then I felt something wet on my cheeks. I reached up, and felt my cheeks. . . I had started crying.

Just then I saw Lilly. She was crying too.

"Lilly!" I called out.

"Maggie!" She called out to me.

I started running towards her but, I got nowhere. . . What's wrong?! Was it Brian, and Niall holding me back?

I looked back to see that they weren't there. Where were they?

'Good luck trying to get to her! She's mine!' I heard a voice scream into my ear, a voice sounding like Zayn's.

Just then I was getting pulled back. I was being pulled farther, and farther away. My hand stretching out, trying to reach Lilly's.

She reached, out but no matter how hard I tried, I just kept being pulled back.

"HELP!" I screamed.

No one answered.

Not Lilly.

Not even a laugh.

Not one thing, but my screaming.

"Lilly?!" I called out. Nothing.

I was suddenly being pulled down!

I was being pulled farther, and farther!

I suddenly came crashing down painfully. "Ugh!" I groaned out. My eyes were closed, and then I heard shuffling around.

I opened my eyes to see Lilly! "Lilly?!" I asked.

Suddenly her eyes were black, and red. Her face held full hatred.

"Haha, Maggie you are so pathetic!" She laughed out. "No one can save you! No one!" She laughed.

I felt like I was being crushed to my death. . . But, I was already dead. . . I was a vampire.

She was right no one could save me, and I probably was going to die. . .

"Oh, you're not going to die." She said creepily. "You're going to suffer." She said hatred filled.

I slightly knew what she meant. But, what did she mean I was going to suffer?!

Just then I was stabbed. I screamed out in pain. I looked to see who had stabbed me, it was Brian! Just then I was stabbed again, but opposite! I looked over to see Niall.

They were going to make me suffer. Make me feel like I was in hell.

~End of Dream~

I woke up panting. What did the dream mean?! I felt someone patting my hair. I looked over to see Matt with a small smile on his face.

"Sleep well?" He asked. Had he been there the entire time?!

"Actually, I slept terribly!" I said terrified from the dream. I suddenly burst into tears, and explained my story to him.

He looked at me, concern written all over his face. It's alright, I won't let them hurt you." He whispered into my ear. I nodded, and hugged him.

Sorry I haven't updated in forever! >_< I had writers block, and couldn't think of what to write. . . I really hope you guys enjoyed this chapter! Tell me what you think? Please? It'll mean a lot! :3

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 14, 2013 ⏰

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