Ch. 4

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I was freaking out. Louis had his hand over my face. His eyes were still the same color. I couldn't believe this was going to happen!

Just then Louis started to move his head closer to my neck. Before I knew it, Louis was on the floor. I looked to see who my savior was. I was so happy to see Niall!

"Stay away from her." Niall growled. I looked closers, and saw something sticking out of Niall's mouth. It was his fangs, and he looked really angry. Louis nodded terrified.

Niall grabbed me, and started dragging me away. I saw all the boys were looking sad. "I'm so sorry Maggie, and Niall." Louis said apologizing. I nodded, and smiled at him. I was trying to tell him it was alright, and that he was forgiven.

Wait, Niall was right. He wasn't lying to me, he really was going to take care of me, and keep me out of harms way. I smiled slightly, and reality struck.

Niall was practically dragging me behind him, and he was leading me somewhere I didn't know.

Just then I was pushed into a room. I took in the surroundings, realized it looked just like a regular teens room. It was messy, there were clothes everywhere, and the bed wasn't made. I realized there was a bathroom.

"ARE YOU TRYING TO GET YOURSELF KILLED!?" Niall shouted at me. I shook my head rapidly. He just growled, and punched the wall, at which made a hole. I yelped in surprise, and stared at Niall who was breathing extremely heavy.

I backed away, and accidentally fell back on the bed. It didn't seem enough to be heard over Niall's heavy breathing. But, it was probably heard from a vampires ears, because he immediately turned around to look at me.

"Get out right now." He growled. I didn't waste two seconds, and left the room. As soon as I left the room, the door was shut. I pressed my ear to the door, just to be dragged back by Lilly.

"Leave him alone." She said warningly. I looked at her confused, as she looked fine. I was still worried about her, especially since she was Zayn's mate.

"Are you ok!?" I asked her, ignoring how she told me to leave Niall alone. She nodded, and I sighed with relief.

"Be sure to leave Niall alone when he is angry. He's a real monster, and it's terrifying." She said looking at me. I nodded, and kept that in my mind.

We walked away from the door, and I heard breaking noises coming from the inside of the room. I was now completely terrified of Niall.

"Niall's the worse than the rest of the boys. You know, with his anger." She told me. I gulped, and stared at her. Just then Niall walked, well more like stomped out of the room. He looked super angry, Lilly was right!

"I'm going out. I'm going to go hunt." He growled. He ran down the stairs in a complete flash. I looked at her confused, and then realized what he meant by 'hunt.' He is going to kill a perfect human. Before I could think, I ran down the stairs, and yelled Niall's name.

He stopped barely at the door in time. He looked at me angrily. I knew I had done something bad. Just then he was by me in a flash. "What did you say?" He asks me creepily.

I shivered, and looked at him. He looked a lot more angrier than before. He grabbed my hand before I could say anything, and dragged me to his room. He pushed me into the room, and rushed into the room with his vampire speed. He then pushed me against the wall.

"What did you say?" He asks me. He pulled back, and his eyes were a reddish black. I saw his fangs slowly pocking out of his mouth.

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