Chapter 1

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I came back into consciousnesses but not on the island. I was on the deck of a ship. Both my Katanas sat up against the railing beside.  Crew members bustled around doing various things. My heart pounded at the situation I was in. 

Why was I on a ship? 

Who picked me up? 

Why wasn't I dead? 

I looked down at my body and saw bandages littered my body. I thought of my body as a close relative of a mummy. In an attempt to stand I grabbed my Katanas for support. However my legs didn't want to work and I fell on my ass hard. 

"I wouldn't move much if I was you." A voice told me. I glanced in front of me to see the freckled face guy from before. My head put the pieces together as realization hit me. I was on Whitebeards ship. My face looked away from the freckled face guy and I clutched my swords. "Sore loser huh?" He asked. 

I bit my lip to keep myself from crying. "Why am I not dead?" I asked darkly. 

I dont understand. I lost. What am I doing on his ship? I am nothing still. Nothing has changed. I'm weak. A bottom feeder. 

"Ask the old man yourself." The guy answered and held out his hand. "Here I'll help ya to him." 

Smacking his hand back I retorted. "I dont need your help." He just smiled and picked me up in his arms. "Hey idiot arent you listening!" I shouted and tried to struggle but so much movement made my body explode in heaps of pain and aches. "Dammit..." I mumbled and held my head that wasnt feeling to good. 

"No one is gonna hurt you. Sheesh calm down." He told me. "Im Ace by the way." His grin stayed plastered on his face. 

"Eclar..." I grumbled my name as he took me to see Whitebeard. 

Ace took me to the front of the ship where Whitebeard sat a huge cup of sake in his hand. Ace sat me down in front of the old man and went to stand beside the blond from before leaning on the railing. 

"Brat woke up finally." Whitebeard said starring at me. 

My hands grabbed my knees tightly and I clenched my teeth. Angerly I yelled. "We had a bet!" I shouted furious. My body filled with heat as the anger passed into my very soul. "Winner takes all! Loser loses everything! Why am I on your stupid ship!? Why arent I dead ,my corpse on the stupid island!?" He sat not saying anything. "That was our bet! What the hell you bastard? Say something and explain to me why I am here!" 

My outburst had earned us an audience. 

"Our bet still stands." The old man replied calmly. "A life was taken." 

I didnt understand. He was still alive. As was I. No life had ended. 

"Then why am I here?" I shout back. Tears ran down my face. "I lost fair and square so why?" 

Whitebeard was silent for a second. Then for another one. Finally he said something but I didnt know how to respond. "Your life is now mine. Therefor you are part of the Whitebeard pirates." He explained. "Whats your name kid?" He asked after I soaked in his words. 

My stomach felt sick and I couldnt explain what I was feeling. Numbly I replied. "Just call me Eclar." 

Whitebeard grinned. "Well Eclar. Welcome my daughter to the Whitebeard family!" 

The crew around us cheered and I felt my pride being ruined. I had challenge this man to a fight to the death and he makes me apart of his crew and has the guts to call me his daughter. "I aint your daughter old man! I dont need a family!" I shouted but my words were either ignored or not heard over the stupid cheering that went on around me. 

I looked around me and an odd feeling went around me and in me. 

I disliked the feeling but I also liked it. 

My life now belonged to the Whitebeard family. However could I really live like this? Not being the strongest? 

I dont want anyone to be able to hurt me anymore or control me. I want them all to know I can defeat anyone and I do things my own way. No following orders or commands. No fat old guys treating me like a slave. 

Right at that moment I decided I would become stronger to reach that goal. I can still make my dream come true. 

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