Chapter 9

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My heart pounded inside my ears. I was laying on the roof of the Marine HeadQuarters watching all the soldiers stand guard and walk around smiling like humans do often. Well minus the 4 soldiers I had knocked unconscious that were on watch duty.

Sengoku was the head of the Marines so he was my target. I just needed to somehow get into the building and find the dude.

My katanas laid beside me but my hands brushed over them often to make sure they were still there. I could do this and survive. Maybe.

I stayed still for another hour thinking out a plan. It was risky and scary and had a 2.2% chance of survival.

Quickly I grabbed my katanas and stood up drawing them. Then with ease I made the wind move the dirt to cover me and I ascended down to the front of the building. When the wind died down the soldiers that were outside around me layed on the ground unconscious. One was at the end of my katana on his knees.

"Tell me which room the Sengoku resides in." I commanded.

The marine gave me a death glare. "Filthy pirate. You can't win at our home base." He chuckled.

I couldn't help myself. I allowed my lips to dance upward into a sinister look. "I don't need to win. I just want to talk." I told him. He looked surprised at my reply and I went to ask once more where Sengoku was.

"STOP!" A deep voice commanded. I looked up in front of me to see a man with black hair and a long black beard in a braid. He wore the Head Marine Coat. He had to be Sengoku. He stood alone in front of the doors with no weapon. I wondered if he had underestimated my abilities.

I lowered my weapon and stepped forward. "Well this is great. Now I don't need to go searching every room." I grinned hoping to lighten the tense air. I only made it worse though.

"What do you want Monkey D. Eclar? Why have you come here?" Sengoku asked using my full name. He must know my face from my wanted poster.

I sheathed my katanas to show I did not want to attack any more. "I want to talk to Vice Admiral Garp. So I need you Mr. Head Of all this shit, to tell me his whereabouts." I replied getting strait to the piont. This was getting bad. Marine Soldiers began to surround me every second I stood their. I hadn't expected Sengoku to come to me.
"What do you want with Garp?" Sengoku asked.

I exhaled. "I said I want to talk to him." I repeated and realized they thought otherwise. "To prove it, I will talk to him unarmed. No weapons." I compromised.

"Miss Eclar you are a devil fruit eater. You don't need weapons." Sengoku explained.

I nodded my head realizing where he was coming from. I know I didn't mean anyone here harm. The Marines never did anything good or bad for me so I wanted to return the favor. "Alright. I can wear a sea stone bracelet of you want. I just want to talk to him." I started to walk towards Sengoku and the Marines that had surrounded me aimed their guns ready to fire. "I know Garp is here. Why else would you want me to admit I can kill with my devil fruit? I just want to talk and then leave back to my crew. You see I promised to come back."

"You want to talk? Then alright. Follow me brat." A new older voice sprang forward from behind me.

I turned around and saw a huge muscled man with gray hair and beard. He wore the Marine Coat and hovered over me by a few feet. He was grinning. It freaked me out. Sengoku allowed the doors to be opened and I followed the two in.

Marines littered the area glaring at me. We turned a corridor and the old man and Sengoku took my katanas before we entered a room.

"Aren't you gonna but sea stone stuff one me?" I asked.

The old muscled man laughed. "You couldn't kill me even if you tried."

"Then why take my katanas?" I questioned a bit agitated at him underestimating me.

Sengoku was the one to answer. "So the others see that you can't harm them." He said.

I rolled my eyes a bit annoyed. "Ya Okay so. Garp. Where is he?"

"Right here Brat." The old man answered.

I stared wide eyed at him as the feeling of being a idiot rose. I was spending too much time with Ace. Great...the first impression Garp had of me was that I was an idiot. That's not what I wanted. Not at all. I exhaled and sat down. "Good." I said hoping to play it off cool. "So lets talk."

{Yes I know that this chapter is short and kinda maybe bleh but Im really tired and dealing with this thing called checkups and pain medication. However. I grant you 2 New chapters so yay)

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